Can two bad Cavaliers equal one good one? I think I have found the rare combination that just might say yes.... If I can do this, we may have a better car than the old one for only $700. AND, it would test my mechanical ability. Going to have to think way out of the box for this one.

This could get good....
Well, gotta discuss it with the girl. There's a bit of "if" coming off the plan, but if I can get it to work it'll look JUST like our old car (mainly because it will contain parts OF the old car). If the engine doesn't have any code lights on I am inclined to go for it. Have to discuss it with the girl and our options, but it would give us close to what we want without spending money on other cars we don't know will work. These may not be very sporty, but Cavaliers if maintained DO last a long time and he says he put a new engine and trans in it 35k miles ago. But he admits that his daughter beat it up a bit. So we shall see...
You know, I know what you mean. That crowd is not for me, it's really a contradiction that I'm a fan of the show. But not by much. I am a fan of sports. Football, basketball, et al.
But not a fan of fans, fans are annoying haha

Well we FINALLY got a decent night out for a Saturday!

After doing some thrift store 50% off day hunting, we found this pretty kick-ass vintage NAPA auto parts supply cabinet out of steel that should make a great garden/patio organizer for only $17! Then ran all over the place for gardening stuff and finally cleaned the Saturn we've been borrowing.

Then, it was off...
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OH, my error. Well damn... can't help ya there: Delores already has a live in photographer wink
What an awful headache about RenFair & Comic Con. Dude that is so bullshit. And then the job hunting & that fucked up boycott. Love the law or not it's not fair to bankrupt an already dying economy.

So, as was stated before (somewhere), me and my girl Delores have been offline for quite a few months. Well, we're back!!! We're online and secure in that bit now.

What has happened in the past 4 months? Well, it probably would be best to check out her blog since she is typing up a novel on what has happened in the offline time....
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Nope... it became official early this year after alot of emotional stuff. It came about as just the right thing to do. Now it's official and she's got a fancy rock and everything to prove it!
I wish you and dolores many years of happiness..
Is taking a big step:

I'm putting Delores onto my cellphone plan. She doesn't have a job at the moment, and has been struggling with text only on a prepaid phone that often gets disconnected. She was dealing with a VERY old Moto RAZR (the first version), so I gave her my Pantech Slate, which is an iPhone like jump compared to her old one....
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Sound like a nice guy
Ok, so this has NOT been a very good month. Yesterday I worked 12 hours...busted my ASS... and ended up OWING the cab company 27 bucks! When you have to PAY for the privilege of making someone else money you know you're in a fucked up situation. I seriously never thought that after 4 years of college and 8 years I'd be in this position....
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Small but quiet Thanksgiving. Dad's health (more mental) isn't going so well. I'm assured they're doing fine, but I am worried. Asshole brother had to work today, and I barely missed him coming back to the house. That was one relief.

Still sick, still coughing and I have to work tomorrow. Would rather try hitting a black friday sale, since I have never been, but...
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sorry things arent going great. kiss
Well, had a show at Kerr and it went pretty well. Granted the replacement ASU Jazz director was actually the marching band director, and he didn't know stage performance for shit! Didn't endorse mic principles to the students, and you can tell he was a marching director. 15 of the 18 solos were for sax! But, the opening quartet was great, and I got to...
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lol i'm a daredevil what can i say tongue
Ok, so there is a bit of a glitch to Delores and her profile: Her membership ran out frown

SO, she will be back online asap when I can get the cash on the Visa so we can renew her. Until that time, keep her profile warm. Spread the word that she will be back!! It's just a bit of a financial glitch.

Hang in there....
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I can do that
I am in a very down mood today. The girl is sick, I'm STILL sick....

.... and having to retrieve your best friend from a hospital after months of no contact after fighting a gauntlet of "crisis intervention experts" and psychologists just really does something to you.

I just can't wait for this year to be over....
i'm so sorry love.
at least she's ok though.
hope tomorrow is better.
germy kisses
Ok, so I was able to scramble enough cash together to pay my back-owed cab lease (PLUS a LATE FEE!?!?! F'ing $160 just for the privilege to work). Was able to totally load up on Nyquil and pretend that I was nearly in perfect health in order to negotiate my way out of having to pay a doctor several hundred dollars just to prove I...
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don't worry about me. i found a whole blister pack of dayquil.
but thank you