I'm a painter !

I swear I didn't know until December of 2017 ! IT's been magic, I was in a very dark place at the time and my lover brought up trying painting. We had an amazing night of wine and bullshits and ended up falling in love with it. Not surprisingly, I paint a lot of demoniacal sexual hentai stuff. I'm sure blending...
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I would love to see your Warhammer collection
@littlejohn22 it's not much of a collection but i have a few out i'll take a pic and post it when my phone is charged ^-^

I've got to say there's always that one guy/gal from Middle of nowhere, Nowhere, USA that will catch on a sticker/patch of a tiny metal band I'm wearing and comment about the band. Usually followed by long conversations in DM about similar bands. What can I say ? I love music ! I love weird stuff so if you comment about my weird stuff I'll...
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That is awesome. I love when people talk about music because I love discovering or even learning something new about bands I love. It's great when people recognize a pin, patch, shirt or even a song I'm listening to when it feels like one of those bands no one around me cares about. I listen to a LOT and will talk music from dawn until dusk over a cup of coffee and maybe a pizza or two. Sometimes I actually do that with some local friends as a great excuse to hang and chat. ❤