i'm a happy cow. biggrin

they finally called me for training at the radio station. it's for the music library. i really want to see what they have in their huge library and listen to what they think deserves to be a part of the of library.

i've listened to the station sometimes but i didn't think they played a lot great stuff. they tried too...
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That is both rad and unexpected. Boulder, for some reason, has great fucking radio stations. There are 4 or 5 noncommercial music stations here, not even including NPR, and we even have one not-clear channel classic rock station that plays mostly music I've never heard before. I mean, when was the last time you were listening to a classic rock station and heard 10 new songs in a row?

One of the stations here is a pirate broadcast out of a van. They truly play and talk about whatever the fuck they want.

So after all that, even downloading those intriguing sounding mp3's you gave me, I just got tired and didn't go out at all. Lame huh? I'll catch them next time through, though.
kick ass! Lemme know how it goes wink
Drive It All Over Me
Cover up your windows
Close up all the doors
Time has come for me to really shine
Pick myself up off the floor
Things that'll make yourself cry
Can be tied above the well
Helplessly withering away
But I'll never ever tell

Run run away run run away
'Cause there's nothing left to say
Got no one to talk to...
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Rain Check

S'up dude!

Hey rap masta, what's with old time relijun? They're playing here tomorrow, and I trust your taste in music, but I'm gonna be missing another pretty good show if I go to see them. What kind of music is it?

Uh... you were the one who told me about old time relijun, right?
i smell right now.

why do i smell? i didn't do very much.

i bought the soundtrack to eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. jon brion is a great composer for movies and he keeps getting better.

i need to watch that movie again because i thinking too much about it.

ooo aaa

you ever one of those dreams about something or someone you want to take...
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this morning i woke up and found my bubble gum in the back of my thigh. the funny thing is that my pants were on the entire time i slept and i had a belt on. eeek

i don't want to know how that happened.

i saw a late night screening of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i don't care what anyone says...
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heheh ear lovin whoohoo!!!
I would post on your Journal, but Im up there with you NOW...so you'll have to take a rain check wink
weird. very weird.

i only have three days of work this week and i'm freaking out that i'll never be able to get out of here. it's only time that pains me.

it's funny my brother came to visit and he keeps complaining about my hair and my beard. he wants to shave it all off like his military cut. the man is not gonna...
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ah, you just wrote something to me that I wanted to respond to, but I've totally forgotten what.
oh yeah... greendale: that's too bad, cause I thought it was a strong album. I haven't seen any of the visual stuff, though.

Hemophiliac was really good, but a little bit more experimental than I like. I like to have some sort of structure or theme or "these sounds fit together for a reason"... not a lot of that. I don't need a rhythm or a key, but I like to feel like it's not just 3 people on stage playing random notes in their own little worlds. There were definitely some stunning blow-you-off-your-chair moments, but a lot of it was a little beyond me. I'm nitpicking. It was incredible, all in all.

I am weak.

Dillinger was good, but I thought new kid really didn't fit in. And if your'e going to open with a track from Irony, you should be able to sing at least a little bit. But it was a fun show in spite of pretty muscles boy up front. very, very hard rocking.

Dillinger got out at 10:00, so I went to another show after that... Go Go Go AirHeart was fucking incredible!

A good season for music.
ooo aaa


super food!

hmmm, work was great! we had a black out for three hours of work. it was great because we were being paid while we sat there waiting for the lights to come on.

some people bought some candles and played speed scrable. i hate board games because whenever i need to think up some things at an instant my brain just stops. then...
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stupid jewish tricks! shocked

i recently saw the criterion edition of akira kurosawa's "ikiru". i love this movie to bits and it had two great documentaries about kurosawa and how he worked. it was great to see the beginning of one of the documentaries because kurosawa talked about a scene from one of his last films "rhapsody in august" and it's my favorite scenes EVER!!!!!! it's...
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that can't be good...

feel better.
wait, is that math correct? lemme see:

mad+smile=miao!! seems right...but what about:

( oinkbok ) X+ooo aaa ( blackeyed+ARRR!!! )+( skull-robot+EL SUICIDO LOCO ) = ?

Not so easy is it?

well, i finally organized most of my cd collection and put them all in alphabetical order. it's actually kind of exciting to know that the stack of cds on my desk are in some order. it may seem like a small collection but i have so much more on my computer and on burned cds. my initial count was 230, exactly. but, i forget to...
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this is something a friend of a friend wrote and i'd like to share with all to enjoy:

my trip to the black metal show

... well, i did it. i went to my very first black metal show. the evening started out nicely as i climbed up from the subway and arose onto houston ave. in a torrent of rain and lightning. i was...
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on AIM?????
RAWK or wack! no, i mean boo!

It has certainly been a long time hasn't it? Well, I'm not dead yet and that says a lot of things like why I haven't died yet?

Sadness is for poor people! :poop:

Right now, I have Lost In Translation playing in the background. I was listening to my headphones while watching the movie but Bill Murray is...
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You have excellent taste. I'm leaving for Hemophiliac in a few minutes, and Dillinger is next wednesday. I can't really afford all this rocking right now, but we all must make sacrifices to do things that matter more than, say, eating. The big sacrifice is going to be when I drive out to CA for coachella!
and I always cut my own hair. this time, that was the problem.