A very special convention is happening this summer.

Ziggurat Con, being held June 9 from 1200 to 2100 hours at Camp Adder/Tallil Airbase, in Iraq, is open to all allied military personnel and civilian contractors in Iraq.

<b>This is the first gaming convention EVER to be held in a War Zone.</b>

Full details and a picture of some of the organizers can be found here...
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thanks for the info, and for the record, i love your work!

Right back at you.
A very special convention is happening this summer.

Ziggurat Con, being held June 9 from 1200 to 2100 hours at Camp Adder/Tallil Airbase, in Iraq, is open to all allied military personnel and civilian contractors in Iraq.

This is the first gaming convention EVER to be held in a War Zone.

Full details and a picture of some of the organizers can be found here...
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A very special convention is happening this summer.

Ziggurat Con, being held June 9 from 1200 to 2100 hours at Camp Adder/Tallil Airbase, in Iraq, is open to all allied military personnel and civilian contractors in Iraq.

<b>This is the first gaming convention EVER to be held in a War Zone.</b>

Full details and a picture of some of the organizers can be found here...
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Dear Sir, I have just noticed that you are in on the SG as well. Given that I would like to thank you for your fantastic comic and illustrations.


A longtime reader and die hard munchkin.
I wonder how many people get twice the humor because they have actually been to Lake Geneva...
Yay an awesome comic on my birthday. Thank goodness I can cook better than that.
I must say it makes me happy to se eyou are on here...

I have been a long time fan of Dork Tower and Dr. Blink.

Yay for you!
I can't even count the number of people I've had call my comic store today asking for Captain America #25.
We're thinking about making people tell us what happened in #24 before letting them buy any of our restock when it comes.