Its weird. I've been on a day time schedule naturally latey which is really weird for me when school isn't going on. Its good. But I was completely trashed just five hours ago and I'm already up and mostly awake. Haven't done that in a while.

Just so everyone knows, the Nintendo Wii with two controllers is a party in a box. I feel like...
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Sonic Youth - The Destroyed Room - B-sides and Rarities

Have a good week!
I am the tired. I did a lot today, like spend $600 on books. Well okay technically one isn't a book, its a brown sealed box that says I can't take it back if I open it. I also visited Dreu at his office and a good burgerwith him. Then I played with my nephew and niece and got my hair cut and worked on...
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Thank you smile
Man I'm ready for school to start just to have something to occupy my mind. All I've done this week is play games. Hell that's what I did New Year's Eve too. I went over to a friend's and brought two of my computers and my Nintendo Wii. Wii sports is a lot of fun when you have more than one controller. It was an...
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Yes, stop bitching, my brother was meant to get a Wii for Christmas and now he won't get it until after I've gone back to uni, you lucky whatsit... nahhh, just kidding. You'll find someone, probably when you least except it.
I am just now getting time to comment on your "Queen is good" comment in your last blog.

I agree they were revolutionary and excellent. To this day I find it amazing that Queen became famous by appealing to the hard rock guys, people that listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd and such. Queen helped bring a lot of theatrics and showiness into rock-and-roll and made it more interesting.

I am confused about if the hard rock guys that bought Queen records back in the 70's were oblivious to all the gay stuff or if they thought it didn't matter. I think a lot of them were oblivous to it, but that's hard to believe. But those were different times, there were no gay characters on television yet, etc. etc. I do remember when it became public that Freddie Mercury had AIDS (the term HIV+ was not common language back then) that sales dropped off here in the U.S. they all tried to keep it a secret because they knew this would happen.

Another related observation, when I was growing up in the 80's, where I came from, you were considered gay if you listened to Duran Duran but you were cool if you listened to Styx. But musically Duran Duran is less flamboyant. I guess it was the makeup that mattered.

P.S. Have you ever listened to Muse? They remind me of Queen.
Yeah I keep meaning to update and I'm a bit of a mood oriented person on this updating thing and I really haven't been in the mood and I'm still not but I figure I should and maybe the mood will happen or something like that. Caffiene makes for run on sentences.

Queen is good. I saw were Freddie Mercury supposed died in England (its...
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I'm a little drunk. Not much, but a little. So I figure I'll start typing and see what comes out. This is also my excuse for any typos this round.

First off in response to an message from one of my two friends, next semester I will be taking Linear Algebra, Experimental Methods I, Intro to Electrical Science, Digital Logic Design, and Thermodynamics. Man I'm...
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I never took Linear Algebra but I don't think the others will be too bad. Although that is a very heavy load. I think with Thermo you will really need to keep up with the homework or you could get lost (as anyone would).

I am with you on doing another Tulsa SG-er lunch. I think we will be able to get at least four people this time smile. I am waiting until the office move is over to add any optional stuff to my calendar. I think January sometime would be good.

Well thank you, kind sir. smile

And having an extra booked life is always better than sitting around doing nothing-that's what I think anyway-or that's what I tell myself!! whatever

I hope you have an excellent Christmas! ARRR!!!
Ugh. Eragon was such a bad movie. And not just because its nothing like the book. Its like Van Helsing bad man. Someone needs to kill the entire creative team that worked on it so they won't make another movie.
I'm pretty pisses that it is such a big deal. I don't think it will do as well as some people think it will.

And you're right-the 1st picture is nothin' but boobies! whatever
Whew. I talked to my Physics 2 teacher this morning and took the test a couple hours ago. Thank God. Now I don't have to take Physics 2 again and I don't have to take 17 hours next semester. I'm tired. I need a nap.
Good job! Enjoy your nap.
Who's a fuck up? Oh its me. God damn I'm fucking stupid. My physics 2 final was yesterday. I thought it was tomorrow. I've called and emailed my teacher. There's nothing else I can do right now. Fuck I'm stupid. Of all the dumb things not to double check. I don't want to take Physics 2 again. I got a B on all the other...
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Sorry man, everyone makes mistakes frown
Did my first final today. It was Statics. I think it went okay. I'm expecting a B out of the course. Only three more classes to go.

If Axis keeps getting paid to run sound our CD is going to be out rather quick.

Oh and t-shirts are in. We'll be selling them at the Dec 21 show. I usually have them in my car...
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Have you not heard of the thing downtown?? It's at the ballpark, and they load op this huge slide full of fake snow-and you get to slide down in it in a tube!
Save me a T-shirt, large. Good job on Statics.
Okay so this blog is going to be about several completely unrelated subjects and will possibly be long. There's your warning.

First off, promoters. The music industry is such a bitch. And I really don't like promoters. But the music industry can't get by with these ass licking socialites cause they're the ones that bring bands to town. They have such a basard of a...
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I hope your loneliness comes to an end soon.

And I don't think I'll be getting paid for this one, but I should get some free tank tops and boyshorts. So that will suffice I guess. Hehe
I think you will catch-up with becoming a babe-magnet once you do not feel so stressed at school. The first couple years are by far the hardest.

That is a fact of life about the transitions and losing the friendships (or they become dormant) when people get married, have kids, etc. at different times. It's not a bad thing.

God, I feel like such a dad when I comment on your blogs. I'll try to be more immature next time.
Holy crap! I had Jon Stewart pegged down for a liberalist to such a high extent that boy was I surprised to read what his jokes were like at the Academy awards! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11687022/

I might actually turn on the daily show again. I just got so tired of watching all the constant Bush bashing, its refreshing to hear that he bashes the fuck out of...
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You and I must be in weird alcohol moods coming off of our dry spells. I've been drinking champagne including in the early morning (today). Or maybe it's that DAMN holiday spirit!

It's always good to hear about your successes man, keep it up. Also thanks for the offering of help.
Good news of the day: my song sold. Booyah! I'll post the video when I get it or a link to it and I'll upload the song to myspace when I get home. I sold it for non-exclusive rights for a year for unlimited use. Its a good season.

Oh double kick ass! That guitar student I forgot about forgot about me too so we're...
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