
so my birthday was cool =] i got two cakes one oreo ice cream one strawberry shortcake (from the wife)
i got a dress some flip flops ...my mom took me to ihop and bought me that vera wang princess perfume =]
it wasnt much but im damn gratful ...anywhoot i quick my cleaning lady job ..i thought i would brave the city once...
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Awe, cutie!
hey my fellow sgs

im very happy this morning...broke ...but happy lol
i just bought my new phone the samsung basic instinct..for a good price too
yea i heard and read that its got a shitty rep but ive messed around with it and personally i like it
lol they say its a dead ringer to the iphone touch but whatever..i wasnt interested in the...
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hey guys

thanks for all the great feedback in my last blog ..im not so sad anymore..i really needed to vent ..i was holding that in for a while....i got to wash my clothes on sunday lol..mothers day.. of course after i spent the whole day
with my titis(aunts) and my mom..we exchanged gifts,cooked a huge dinner of rice and beans with potato salad and...
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right now im at my lowest of lows =[

>i just gotta gig as a cleaning lady ..not getting paid much or often
>thats pretty much the only job ive been able to find cuz of the economy
>putting off collage once again because im moving to florida and you have to wait six months to become a florida citizen to attend
>everything in my...
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big hugs lady!
muahz to all ..*thanks* frown
so its been a while since ive last blog ..still working on my next set
its getting so hot in ny im loving it..i was out all weekend with friends and family
we went to this little town called city island its basically this huge recreational park
theres beaches ,parks,shooting range,horse back riding ,fishing,night life ..i had fun
pictures will be uploaded soon,

here are...
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hello my fellow sgs ..its been i while since i blogged i kinda lost interest after a while.my search for a photographer was pretty hopless ..most photographers and sgs on here dont even answer back to you when you write them frown i was hoping to find a sg/photographer in ny but nothing yet.also i have a little issue with me being naked on the site...
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obama is president love
i finally moved into my new place
im starting school in dec
i think its gonna be a good year.

i wont be bloggin for a while
i dont have a comp yet .it should
be coming in next week hopfully
till then ...
Woo Hoo! Another NY hopeful ! smile
so far everything has been pretty mellow the whole finding a place to stay issue has been resolved smile
so all i need to worry about now is

1 getting a new job
2 enrolling in school in jan
3 shooting a better set for SG

my girlfirend and i celebrated my cousins 19th bday yesterday and yesh i have pics
we had unos...
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