my birthday is coming up, bitches! gimme some whiskey and some love! skull
also, please do feel free to purchase any of the items on my wishlist for me. i could also use a can of hairspray and some toilet paper. if you don't know it already, i'm uber-poor. we're talking 'no money' here. so i take cash donations too. wink
Happy Birthday... so I am a day late, but it's ok! xoxoxoxo. I hope you had a splendid time!!! tongue
I miss you and the Green Kid. Murphy's this weekend? Brian promised. I hope you don't hate me too much for not being at the bash... I'll beg and grovel if you want! Oh and I started drawing up a pink elephant for you. wink tee hee.

Did I mentionn I miss you? Maybe we'll have to come eat some melted cheese at your table! miao!!
...*sigh*... i'll admit my disappointment at having my first attempt turned down. from what i understand that happens quite a bit. [sniffle] anyway, the experience was a lot of fun and i'm looking forward to playing around more in the future. and who knows, right? maybe i'll get lucky. wink
at any rate, i've given my favorite pictures a home here in a little blue folder....
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Thank you! I hope you'll find the group useful. Yes I love birds so much I wonder if there are any more bird watching suicide girls? biggrin Thats really interesting you used to work in a funeral parlour, what kind of work did you do there? I really hope your next set gets accepted, you're lovely.
That would be fascinating, do you not do that kind of work anymore? Zebra Finches are such cute little birds, I have chinese painted quails and I love them. I should be showing my face again soon, after that one I have a nicer one I think smile
i'm a lucky cat because i'm having my hair pampered on tuesday. =] and i'm a brave cat because i'm having pictures taken on wednesday. =] with any luck it'll end up being my debut set as one of the girls here. so cross your fingers for me and send me some love! RaR!
you got this you sexy bitch! kiss
RaR! MoTHeRFuCKeRS! i aM a FRiGHTeNiNG BeaST! skull
You are a frightening beast!!!

You eat kitties for breakfast!!!
mad shocked biggrin
that fucking rules!! smile
so i'd like to think that tim burton's willy wonka is something to look forward to. i'm super excited about the corpse bride for halloween. and the third season of six feet under is going to be put out on dvd any day now. i'm very much without cable, so i've only seen the first two seasons. lately my friend has had me watching arrested...
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I so can not wait to see both of those movies!!!!! Love the spooky crazy stuff. (like you didn't know)
I heart you! Making bad ideas come to reality on a dialy basis! OOOps I forgot to show you my chest mad I'll do it next time I see ya!
it's friday. i ain't got no job. and i ain't got shit to do. wink here's a brief list of things that i would like to have. please feel free to purchase/make/steal me any of the following:
* a black chihuahua. not the fat kind though. those are kinda weird looking.
* one of those nail polish changing machines like that chick in total recall has....
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So silly you arewink If you needed TP you couldv'e ganked some from us... we keep it in the hall closet ( I know why not the bathroom?!!!) but that's for future pillaging needs.
Thanks for the eyeball info... you forgot a few things on your list...
Thomas Chantal Lingerie?

I'll be in NH on monday so I'll see if your smell good stuff is there and grab you the biggest bottle I can get my lil hands on!
Have a good weekend!
why hello there. wink i've added a few pictures, just because. so please feel free to take a looksie.
i desperately need to have my hair done. soon.
someone should buy me a computer.
hah ,im not hard to find, although the killing part might take a bit, ill seduce him with a nice ham sammich smile
its amazing what dressing like tom jones and a ham sammich can do
good day to you
An ex o'mine gave a bottle of vanilla cologne and when I go out i get a lotta comments on it from the ladies. I heard there is chocolate cologne...I gots to get me some of that...

Opium? yummy kiss
so...jamie(jamadge) attacked my back for a few hours last night. we're not quite done yet, but almost. smile she's got perty pictures, so take a look.
all day i've been laying about on my tummy, enjoying the fact that my boyfriend is wonderful and rubs goo on me when i need it. gee...didn't mean to make that sound so dirty. oh well. doing all this nothing's...
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attack attack! (insert stabbing noise from old horror miveis) You like it! tongue