Watching M*A*S*H....one of my fave flicks of all time......just keeping busy....trying to conspire ways to get out on the twon somehow this week and whatnot........leave me stuff on suggestions to do in this here town of mine oink bok
....or just write me a nce little note and say hi
yeah i had two glasses of wine that totally knocked me on my ass while you watched mash.... an di don't mean i was drunk i mean i woke up at 8:30 pm and was ready for bed by midnight
Well, my first weekend where i was able to see snow on the ground for more than 3 hours......it's nice up here, and i can't wait to see more of the town and start to make new friends.......cause at times, it gets kinda lonely around here, which i'm sure will change eventually..... oink bok
what are your hobbies/interests/idea of a good time? we'll see what we can do for you.
HEYYYYYYY, i'm in Baltimore!!!!!! Flight was good, and now here I am, living it up on the Fort.....Well new friends o' mine, let's see what happens to the story of Brandon now that I am here....biggrin oink bok
Ok, i'm up now......getting ready to leave and everything........talk to you peeps in my new destination, where i hope i'll sleep on the planes and take long naps......biggrin oink bok
Have fun whereever you are going!
I AM flying Southwest airlines..........i got the best deal, and i'm landing at 7:25 pm tonight........i'm kinda depressed, but by the time anyone reads this, i'll already be in Baltimore.......hoping this is a new beginning for me, and not a sad end......... oink bok
southwest is THE way to fly smile
Thanx starry-eyed and JamieLee for being cool kitties before i get my ass up there.....we will definitely hang out, and starry, we can sit back and talk about the good ol days of the south and how crummy it is to live there, and how much better the north is..... biggrin You two are gonna make it easy for me to not get bored, lonely, etc....
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i hope you are flying southwest airlines mr.
p.s. i miss the south, especially the weather shocked
Another day goes by......and i'm getting more and more nervous about leaving here.......it's very emotional and stuff.......all this finality that's hitting me right in the chops....stings man, it stings.......and finality is something that i fear the most out of anything else.........i hope i can get through this totally sane and intact bok oink
oooo a new person we will corrupt into our group of friends smile jamielee told me you were migrating up here. welcome.

i'm from the south as well but texas was my location
Well.....Friday is the big day for me.......making the much-needed move from the "Dirty" south to Maryland.....I feel alot of sadness for having to leave my friends like this, and most of my family, but in order to make a new start for myself, I have to wash my hands of this place....start all over, totally anew.....this seems to be a rebirth in my life, a...
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i hope your move to maryland works out for you smile
Hello, here I am, making my presence known on this site.....hoping this will prove more fun than yahoo groups ever has.......i'm interesting, and have more pics of myself, but they are mine, so i'll only share with certain females.......guys need not apply, i don't fly in those clouds.......but more power to those that do........

Dr. McCoy: "Why is any object we don't understand always called...
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baaaaaaaaaad headache,..........so what's the deal with this friends thing? do we all keep in touch and stuff? cause i'm willin........if u are.....whoever my friends are........and i hope u actually read my stuff and see my pics and all.......cuz i'm a pretty kool kat and all......but anyways.....went drinkin with my dad.......got drunk........guess it's my gift for leaving, one last boozer with the old man.......he think's he's sinatra.....not anymore.....

This is how I define UNWARRANTED!!!!!!!!
woohoo Star Trek!!!!!!!!!!