I stand halfway up a mountain and I look at the journey of my life revealed below me.

The winds of time push against my consciousness, in it I can taste my youth. I feel the chill and the warmth of the past.

I cannot see the bottom from where I started and I cannot see the top where it will end.

I have changed...
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Well I have 2 days off and then my last 2 shifts before I go on holiday, I hope that these last few days are kind to me.

Next week, Byron Bay for Blues and Roots, I love this festival and I have been for the last 4 years and camping on site is amazing, one year I woke up to Crowded House doing there...
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...... and another week crumbles to dust.

It draws out its last weazy breath, the rattle in the throat is prolonged and the silence that follows holds on for two more beats longer than it should.

Time picks itself up and drags its carcass closer to the end of another year.

I remember being kid, in fact I remember a lot of things, but the...
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I liked your writing...
Thank you.
I survived the night and I work all day.
No powers yet but I will keep you advised.
So I got bitten by a spider at work Today.

No gnarly super powers yet, I can't walk up walls or shoot webbing from my hands.

So far the only alterations are a slightly swollen hand, the inability to make a fist and less accurate typing.

Oh that and the unnatural fear that perhaps that spider was poisonous and if I go to sleep I...
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Another quiet Friday night in....... I have to work over the weekend and I have to tell you this work thing is really getting in the way of my life.

But thats the price you got to pay to play.

Hopefully I have a dreamless night, my dreams have been pretty hectic of late, mostly I don't remember them I just wake up feeling tired...
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Dear Dreams,

Please stop tormenting me with future that will never be, all these regrets of past actions or lack there of is already apparent to me, I don't need my sleeping mind to make comments because all it is doing is making me tired.

Thank you for your understanding.
I am inclined to believe that a change is coming, I don't know what it is, or what there will be after.

But something must happen and soon.
I am currently plagued by strange dreams of old friends in places I do not know and of my ex girl friend.

I am disturbed by these dreams, I think she took a part of me when she left that I will never get back and I may never be complete again because of this..........

Or maybe it's just time to change who I am,...
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I am off to the Soundwave festival Today, and it is a strange day of weather, raining one minute, hot and sunny the next.

It feels strange also because of the tides of friendship that is currently sweeping thru my life, we use to have such a strong crew of mates that would go to this and other things every year.

Now it feels like...
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