found myself a new cuddle/fuck buddy. she is a cuddler and a make out whore. hahaha. those are her words. not mine. still would like to find myself a guy to be a good friend to me... wink
Hey, congrats, I can't even find a girl. I need a new change of environment I think... I want best of both worlds too!
Hope you find what you're looking for wink
This blows. Ive hit a dry spell. All work and no play makes mike a horny boy. ha ha. God damn i am fuckin horny as fuck...
You and me both, man... Hope you have some better luck
Wow what a weekend but damn it with all the sex i had im still horny as fuck. One regret, i didnt get pictures to share... My bad. Next time. cause i know there will be many times to come with this new fuck buddy i have. Plus i met someone that may be adding some new twists in my near future... Oh yea.... wink
So i work at 8:30 today... Im debating on pulling an all nighter... Ummmm yea i think so...ill stop drinking in like four hours. that gives me two hours to sober up before work. sounds good huh? yea. i think so...
What to do. I LOVE my job but i cant stand the management staff. I am a manager in training and keep in close contact with the district manager and try to do everything she asks of me but my managers dont give a shit. How am i a trainee get anything done when everyone is working against me. Even the part time staff straight...
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Sounds like an unlikeable situation man. I don't know what to say frown
I just read through the qualifications and i need to talk to my neighbor to get more clairaty. He can help me. He is a sheriff and knows how to get hired. I was arrested for two dui's but only charged with one. The issue is the second one that i wasn't charged with. Will it hurt me because i was arrested and not charged? or does it even count. fuck. i look at it as if life wasn't challenging then it wouldn't be fun. ha ha. gotta keep my head up. Not to mention my parents divorce is getting nasty now. even though im 25 im reacting to it as if i was in high school. I have a huge emotional connection to my family. I used to be close to my mother but after assessing the facts its her that has positioned herself to divorce my dad and she started 15 years ago. She has faked being apart of the family for 15 fuckin years. I don't consider her my mother anymore.
What a day. long day at work. went to a fuck buddies house and had amazing sex. loved it. now if everyday could be like this.
I am bored out of my freakin mind... I have NOTHING TO DO.
I think that could be fun...
Tonight is going to be a date night. She couldn't find a babysitter so her 7 year old son is coming with us. Lets see how it goes.
Thanks to Padre I am able to make profile pictures. Thank you again. To day is my Friday... What should i do?
Fuck i wish i know how to convert pictures to make them the right size to make them a profile pic. I feel like a creeper. IM NOT. haha. i just cant make a profile picture. someone help me out yea? Thanks...