so in regards to my last journal.

i went. and im sad but relieved.

im probably a huge bitch for doing this right before chriatmas, but... i couldnt not do it.

and its better this way.

oh love why are you such a fucking bitch.

or why am i such i fucking bitch?

my eyes are so sore and puffy from crying and now i...
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awww hope your feeling better !!!
im not sure what this is about ..... so .... wink
HIS LOSS !!!!!!!!!!!!
our gain kiss
songs to sum up my current life situation

1. should i stay or should i go- the clash

thats about it right now, i cant really think. so much for my list. shit is just very.... confusing and hard and i want to quit. im about to have a melt down. it could be avoided if i would just grow some balls and quit being...
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ohhh blah blah blah. its cold in chicago. and the streets are white with salt. i like it being cold. still nothing too interesting to write about. i saw this band Voxtrot monday. they were ok. but at the end of the show they did this weird encore, where they were acting like they were done but they were kind of hanging around the stage...
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Voxtrot are my friends from Austin. They sometimes do weird shit like that. Jason, their guitar player, has another band called Belaire that you might like. Its a lot more pop.

[Edited on Dec 10, 2005 7:17PM]
yeah i think belaire played that night too. Dont get me wrong i liked Voxtrot the most out the bands that played, i just thought it was funny at the end. i would go see them again. plus the singer had some rockin' hair goin on. that off center skunk strip was fuckin sweet. tell him to never change it. wink
well its been a while since ive writen anything. sadly there isnt much to update on. im ready to kill several people including my bio professor, my mother, my co-workers, and my boyfriend. i think im just stuck in this place right now that isnt really bad, but its not great. or interesting, or fun, or dramatic in anyway whether its good drama or bad...
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KILL EVERYONE ....then burn everything ....
that usually helps me feel better !!! wink
i went to a college friends wedding this weekend. it was so great. its a shame i'm a marriage phobic. my poor mother. thats just a little too much resopnsibility for me. hell i cant even spell the word. yeah... no thanks. i even jumped out of the way when she aimed for me during the bouqet toss. im pathetic. but i will never be...
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i was at the gym today working out, (yes i want to be one of the beautiful people) and access holywood came on. the volume wasnt on but it was in big bold letters that katie whats her face and tome cruise are having a baby. the news almost put me off my workout. these two idiots having a child is obcene to the point...
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i just got back from the arcade fire show., and it was awsome. i sugest everyone take a listen to them. man canada has been cranking out some good shit lately on the music scene. i think this show might take the best show ive seen this year award. it made me wish i hadent given up the viloin when i was 12, cause they...
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i had a horrible hangover today. i think it was b/c i got super shit faced for my birthday last night. it was awsome though. lol. too much to write about really... one of the many highlights was my friend soraya and i dancing with herb, the awsome owner of liars club, and busting our shit when we fell in the middle of doing some...
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well since tomarrow is my birthday i decided to go shoping after work today. I went to H&M and bought a tee-shirt, a necklace, and a pair of jeans. the jeans cost like 40 bucks, but since the cashier is an airhead he forgot to ring those up. i was wearing my work scrubs (im a dental assistant) and he started blabing with me about...
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happy birthday and dont you love getting shit free like that...its rare but awsome
<in my best waitstaff singing voice> happy happy birthday, happy happy birthday; its your birthday, happy happy birthday!!!!!

rick ARRR!!!

<AKA the birthday stalker LOL>