Have you ever noticed how Superman is constantly having relationship problems with Lois Lane and Spiderman is always in lumber with Mary Jane? If superheroes are having relationship problems like this then how are the rest of us meant to fare?

And another thing... In X-Men Cyclops is all insecure over Jean Gray lusting after Wolverine all the time. Her justification for this is that...
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I'd leave Cyclops for Wolverine. Wolverine is sex...pure sex. Wouldnt like to have finger fun time with him tho...might end up with another orafice...:S

I've just finished a night shift that I wasn't really meant to do but somone I work with needed me to cover the shift as a favour so I did it. Thing is I didn't think it through properly when I agreed to do it and now it's my day off and I'm gonna have to sleep through most of it frown

Oh well, It's a...
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sleep is pretty awesome isnt it? im not gonna get much of that when louis is here! lol mind you...im struggling at the moment already.

i love that feeling when your all tucked up comfortably and you just dont want to move. you sorta feel like you on a fluffy cloud

I don't know if you know anything about astral projection but during the period when you first start
to doze off and the early stages of sleep, your astral form leaves your body in search of what
ever it is you or your subconscious is looking for.

That's why you sometimes get that falling sensation when you jerk awake. The body isn't fully
at rest and is pulling your consciousness back home.

If you believe in that sort of thing.
I think I'm putting on weight again, so I'm starting another diet today. Not a planned out type of diet, just a less-food-than-before diet. I've also got to start running again today because I've let it slide over the last couple of weeks and I can already feel my fitness level decreasing. I hate the treadmill! Not looking forward to it but it's gotta be...
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ahh but the ones im making are really healthy ones, cos i have gestational diabetes (pregnancy related diabetes)
so they have no sugar in them biggrin biggrin
Thank you blush

Well, I'm being intentionally vague here to protect the innocent, or not-so-innocent as the case may be. I'm feeling really shit because generally I'm the kind of person who doesn't let his feelings be known. I don't wear my heart on my sleeve and I don't dwell on my own feelings too much. I tend to always try to look out for other people and...
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Thankyou kindly for your comment, and never bottle things up smile
Hey smile Thankyou for the comment. My sets up on sept 23rd so you should have a gander xx
I think just about everyone I know has come down with the same 24-hour virus within the last 3 days now, except for me! That seems great except that I'm bound to catch it at the most inconvenient moment.. Apparently, when striken down by the said illness instant nausea and stomach cramps are followed by an eventful night in the bathroom. I'm going out tonight...
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that sounds like a hellish virus!!! i hope you dont catch it and have a lucky escape
I'm having a music crisis. I was thinking last night about how my band hasn't done anything in ages and I'm too busy with work and other parts of my life to do a side-project with anybody else, so I decided that I'm gonna concentrate on putting together my own music and maybe, if I ever get round to it, getting some people together to...
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i know how you feel.....sorta....i dont play any intstruments, but i write lyrics, and i sued to write them all the time....but i havnt for ages and i dont know why....if i sit down with a pen....nothing comes out, its abit strange really cos ive had so much happen in my life you would think my brian would be full of stuff but it isnt. frown and i miss it.

i hope your creativity finds you soon.
I just posted this on myspace already, but I thought I'd put it here too because I've been feeling pretty depressed lately about the way that my life seems to be slowing down these days. Then, out of nowhere, a totally freaky weekend happens unexpectedly and I remember who I am. The following things don't all sound like good things to have happen to you,...
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sounds pretty crazy!!!!!!!!! some parts sound like fun though others.....not so much lol
Ok, so I'm new to SG and I've been looking around the boards and stuff and I've realised that to get the most out of this site and it's members I have to friend request some people. I'm not the most brilliant conversation starter in the world so a lengthy essay on why I might have added you is unlikely to be forthcoming, unless I...
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welcome to sg! smile
So I just signed up to this site only to be confronted with a pretty disheartening message within a minute of looking around... 'You have no friends!' Man, that's pretty raw. Surely that could've read as... 'You have no friends... Yet '

I'm just kidding. I'm not that overly-sensitive. Don't say I am or I might cry all over you.

Anyway, I'm just writing this...
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