job searching, finishing up law school. ii'm gonna miss being a student because i love the lifestyle, and in general i have loved being a youth. but i guess we all age, ready or not.

mum is doing ok. she starts chemo soon. thanks for all your prayers.

we talked about my job search, and she supports my dream to move to California, even though...
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Lemme see:

Easter= good.
Driving & Car= good.

Sex= really good.

Monkeys= awesome.

Make sure you sleep when you can and drink lots of water!
surgery revealed the worst possible scenario...

inoperable, advanced stages of ovarian cancer.

if there are any hearts out there, please pray for my mum.
holy shit. i don't know what to pray to, but i know i am going to pray my little heart out.
so, my mum has cancer and is going into pretty extensive surgery on Monday. she's being really strong about it - probably for the sake of us, her children.

thoughts, hopes, and prayers are appreciated. thanks.
made the executive decision to limit my job search to San Francisco. that's where i wanna be! so that's where i'm going to go.

bought a bike today. it wasn't even a top model and the fucker cost me $450. but, i intend to use it a lot. as in, i want to commute to work on bike. and i can't stand all the time...
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submitted my upper level writing requirement. it's not as good as the first version (lost in computer crash), but it will have to do. an 11k word piece on corporate governance to reduce corporate pollution. it originally was something closer to 20k words...but oh well. i only needed 10k to satisfy the requirement.

btw, has anyone been to the chat room lately? it kinda sucks...
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Don't get me started on Chat.

I have this conversation with Crim and MrStitches now and then.

I miss conversation. The Old Sg Chat *insert angelic choir here* was rad.

That's why I stayed a member... now what do I have.

had an awesome interview in richmond this week. also, only 8k words left for my paper biggrin

we'll see how this finishes...
spring break. writing papers. yay.

oh, and jobhunting...STILL.

i'm so glad i passed on full scholarships w/ stipends so i could attend a top-20 school that prides itself on a tight alumni network, but hasn't been top-20 since i got here, and i haven't been interviewed by an alum since i've been here. also yay.
this weekend, i had an allergic reaction to something i ate. i suspected the green curry.

now my weakened body is ill. fever, aches, swollen lymph nodes, congestion, and cough...beautiful.

i could go for some good luck right about now.
Green curry once laid me so low I had to call my med school friend and ask him in all seriousness: 'is it possible for a person's stomach to actually explode?'

I feel for you. Treat your flu as a vision quest. Ever seen Jim Jarmusch's 'Dead Man'? it rocks.
Oh, dear, that sounds just awful!

I do hope you recover quickly!
so i made weigh-ins pretty damn spectacularly. weighed in at 130.

unfortunately, i didn't cut my hair.

my rubber band broke and my ponytail came out about 20 seconds into the fight. i fought the rest of the fight almost literally blinded by my own hair. needless to say, i lost pretty badly. during much of the fight visibility was so poor that i had...
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one thing that helped me out in the boy-dept was deciding i would be confident. what's wrong with being artistic and musical? nothing. it's easier said than done, of course, but what helped me get confident was making up a kind of mantra that i could focus on and it'd remind me that i actually was rad even if i got made fun of or didn't get that guy i liked or whatever.

another thing: i am really looking forward to going to d.c.! the husband-bot has told me that it's really great, lots of fantastic museums. his parents live near there and we're going to visit them later this year and i am really pumped for the museumage.

third: i like the long entry.
Do you ever pause and think how awkward many of your female classmates are likely to be? In no way do I wish to cast any doubt on your self-described shyness, but it always strikes me that human beings are so damned myopic that true joy always ends up smacking us in the face unexpectedly. Maybe one weekend you could do an experiment: pretend that you're socially aggressive and that the girls in your class are the shy ones. Just act the part, (no, don't be an ass, just be yourself, but with a different expectation for the night's end position) and see what happens.

For background: I've always been the (relatively) successful member of a crew of big shy dorks. I'm a big dork. So I've often been in the postion of cajoling my friends into chasing girls. So this is unsolicited, but maybe not completlely useless... ignore me.
weigh-ins are in 10 days (on the 13th). i'm feeling good about my weight, but not my wind. hopefully i can get a little bit more wind in time for my fights.

school is good, but i'm not at all progressing on my paper. that has to change immediately. er, after the Super Bowl tongue i don't really care about NFL football, i just like a...
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What do you know about your opponent?
heh glad school is good hope all is treating you well and weretling is rockin for ya too.
ok, so i apologise that i totally haven't been around AT ALL lately. but i didn't really receive much in the way of "how are you?" notes, so maybe nobody reads my page anyway, or just forgets that it's around when i don't update it.

anyway, for those who take a bit of interest, life is good lately. busy & lonely, but good. i'm doing...
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Don't take it personally. I don't get the 'where have you been' stuff either. I think we both need to post more nudie pics in order to get people more interested, eh? No, probably not.

I was the same way w/r/t schoolwork. Always did just barely enough work to get my A. I heard you guys got snowed in pretty good... any good sledding on campus?
boxing season has begun. i am on the straight and narrow now, until it is over.

i finalised my class schedule. it's sad to think i'll probably never again register for classes.

my last classes will be: evidence, white collar crime, advanced environmental law, ethics II, and regulatory innovation and democratic governance. i will also be TAing an undergrad poli sci course.

so...back to being...
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