This Just In Romance Not Dead!
So it was Valentines day the other week and instead of wallowing in self loathing which is what I do most of the time anyway I thought I'd actually do something so I ordered a bunch of 12 red roses for this girl at work that I like and had them delivered when I knew she would be working....
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I was just curious about where in Canada he might be. You should find out. smile

I totally get what you're saying. I mean, as shy as I can be, and as unconfident as I usually am, I'm sure that if I went to a bar I could find someone.

But I'm looking for more than sex. I've had meaningless sex, and it's, well, meaningless.

I'm not saying I have to be madly in love with the person, but I want some level of care and concern to be involved.
Hey I've just seen your post on the UK census boards and read your last journal smile
It can take a while to build up friends on here, you just have to put yourself about a bit and not upset anyone. There is quite a few of us from in and around Leeds.
It's On

So me and my brother had a big discussion about scary life stuff today and he said he's definitely looking for his own place when he comes back from canada around Christmas time and he said it'd be a lot easier if I moved in with him. For the last the last few months I've just been getting more and more pissed off...
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Well if you went I'd miss ya-I like reading your blog! And don't worry about the move - do it, and feel happy with the decisions you make smile
originally i was just gonna comment on what you've said after The Happy Pigs blogs; about SGUK, i empathise whole heartedly with you. but i'm gonna go to the March meet in Brighton for i have recieved alot of sincere reassurances that i will be welcome.

in comment to your blog, i only moved out two years ago to live on my own, i couldn't ever see it happening until it did. so what if younger people you know have moved out etc; why should you let other peoples actions dictate what you do! is there some law 'thou shalt move out by 21 or thou name shalt be stricken out from the ledger of Men'?

the friends issue, you have obviously touched people here because of the comments above. some people have lots of friends, others don't. i only have 4 people i'd call friend (cos it being an important word), they are the ones i'd trust with my life. i have a number of close aquaintances (some would call them friends too). but one brilliant freind is all one needs. i hope you have that. isn't that your brother? C S lewis had no friends as a child, and when someone said 'oh you must have had such a lonely childhood', he replied, 'why must i have; i had my brother, i needed no one else' (that's not vabatum!).

would coming to a Meet be helpful?

Anyway i hope you feel brighter soon. and hope i haven't spoke out of turn.

Fucking Displeased!

Just found out that the gig I've been looking forward to for 3 months has been rearranged on a day when I can't go mad mad mad mad which means I'll have to sell the tickets now. As an extra dose of salt in my wounds I found out that for the first time ever combichrist are playing somewhere not ridiculously far away @ Corporation in Sheffield...
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Yeah, the SGUK thing is quite hard to break into from an outsider's perspective. But it's not really about knowing the 'in' crowd. You've already got two people on your friends list who can vouch you into the group, which is all you need to get in. The group is pretty lively and arranges lots of meet ups around the country, so as daunting as it is to try and get into the group, and be aware, because it's a very active and social group, there are lots of close friendships within it. But the effort is worth it, I've made some very, very good friends through the group and some of the meets. smile
I've just seen what you've posted on ^^ his blog - don't worry about being the new guy when you get in. There's always new people and as you get used to the sense of humour in there, you'll be fine. And as for meets, people are very very welcoming and you'll feel like the new guy for about 10 seconds, max. smile
Feed The World ( Maybe Next Year)

So that's another Christmas over and done with at my place of work and yet again it seems that the company is determined to outdo all the competition in the "How much can we throw away this year" contest which I have to say is one of the things that kind of sickens me about working there. How...
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That's capatalism for you.............

Happy new year by the way!

A house??

Lucky bastard.

I love how employees at computer stores know even less than I do about computers.

The two local grocery stores where I am are pretty good about donating food to the food bank, as well as other groups.
Infernal Machine!

So my laptop decided to freak out on me so I haven't had access to the internet for about 3 weeks so apologies to anyone who thinks I'm an ignorant git, just got it working tonight found out I had 74 emails to go through oh what fun
'til next time folks.
That sucks!

How was your birthday?

How was Christmas?

Happy New Year!

So after thinking about things for a while I've come to realise as one of my friends suggested that I'm probably too old for her me being a rusty 25 and her being 19 although having a girl tell you're too old is a little wounding it makes me feel like I should be down the scrapyard with all the other rusting junk. As...
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Hey man - happy birthday! skull
Merry Christmas!!
Morons Your Bus Is Leaving.

One of the things that never fails to keep me amused when I'm in Leeds bus station at some ungodly hour trying to stay awake and about to embark on another day of corporate slavery is people's inherent ability to fail to notice the most obvious of things case in point being the people that try to go out through...
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Okay, she should simply have said "no" -in a nice way, instead of confusing you further....
What I think? Well, I guess there's not much for you to do, other than continue as friends, I mean. Now she knows how you feel and all, so if she wants to, she's the one to take the next step. It sounds to me like she's in a relationship either where she's not quite sure if it's working out or it's new and stuff. Give her some time....
Not all girls distance themselves from guys who asked them out. the one person I talked with the most at my former job, was a guy who confessed to be in love with me. He knew I'm in a relationship that I definitely don't want to leave, but wanted me to know anyway. Didn't affect our relationship much.

Giving up on driving? Hmm.... Well, maybe in a couple of years you'll give it another go. I couldn't live without my license...
By the way, my boyfriend took those pictures, it's a good digital camera, with a fast.... uhm... shit, I don't know the English word! biggrin Well, it closes fast if you understand, so that it can take pics of animals that move and stuff. Also, it takes series, so you can keep the button pressed and it takes a series of pics, it's pretty awesome.

So my TVCR kind of died the other day much to my surprise, I was just getting ready to watch NCIS which I taped the night before whilst having my breakfast only to be greeted by an absolute lack of anything upon pressing the power button which kind of threw me out somewhat. My initial reaction was a typical guy reaction when something fails...
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it never ceases to amaze me how mad consumers go in the supermarket at christmas, stocking up as if the shops are never going to be stocked up again. they always look at me with amusement with my half full trolley, but who are the sad suckers really?

ah, argos, how would we manage without them. theyir pretty printed catalogue with everything under the sun in it...........except they never have it in stock, bah.

Happy Spooktacular Weekend!


Catch up
So I guess I've been busy with work and other stuff recently. There's a few things happened in the last few weeks but before I get into all that:

History Of A Town Called Nowhere

So the town I live in was originally a mining village that consisted of one street a few houses and several mines owned by a few families and...
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Hey there! smile
Have you asked that girl out yet?
You think too much.... wink

So I'm halfway through my first week back after I had a week off and it suddenly dawned on me that very little ever seems to change in my godforsaken place of work, checkouts is haemorrhaging staff like a stabbing victim loses blood much to everyone else's amusement since there's a big notice on the propaganda board that says "Checkouts have plenty of overtime...
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smile meow
i used to read so much as a security guard. one of the very few high points of the job.
no such thing in my current job though. there's always somethin to do and the also the guy i work with has a mouth that never shuts up. bit hard to read with that kinda distraction.
So that's another week out of the way, I realised a few things this week. One of them being that I'm probably the only single guy at work, which I have to say is just really funny. If I'm honest I have to say I can't really see myself witha girlfriend or in a relationship. I have a habit of looking things in a purely...
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personally i tend to go in all guns blazing, but my bark is generally worse than my bite. i'm a kitten really.
hmm... yes that is very strange! we could always delete each other and try it again, i suppose. weirdness

So the last week has been kind of odd still getting used to having to work with Dangerous Dave again I forgot how messy his "bang it out fella" approach is that and the fact his rotation is just as bad as it's ever been,it can be really annoying when you're constantly cleaning up someone else's mess especially when they're supposed to be the...
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I love the fact that Dave is worried about getting his computer repaired because of what people might find on it.

That's too funny.

I do think that most women like being looked at, as in eye contact. I don't think the majority like being stared at or ogled. But yes, sadly, I think a lot of that also depends on whether or not they find the guy doing the looking to be attractive or not.

You're probably comfortable talking to people, including women, at work because you have work things to talk about. You don't have to create a topic from stratch.
i now have both Angelspit albums, i'll send them to you.
plus i got loooads of other new stuff too.
fav track at the moment though is Abort the Pope by Tamtrum.. i think i sent you that one. i blast that out the car every day, on repeat.