One of my favorite web sites:


Check out his other pages too. Fantastic stuff!
Excellent meeting today with some members of the Afghanistan Pashai shura--a kind of Afghan standing assembly. They represent a relatively small ethnic group that is spread across five main areas in the North East (Kapisa, Laghman, Kunar, Nuristan, and Jalabad). They are an interesting group that split from the Nuristani when they converted to Islam. The Nuristani remained kafir until they were forced to become...
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Ouch! Too true.........

Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents.

True also...

"All men are timid on entering any fight. Whether it is the first or the last fight, all of us are timid. Cowards are those...
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Looks like I'm doomed to have jury duty. They tried to get me back in October, but the case settled. This time it is a General Court Martial and the defendant is a fairly senior officer. I don't know anything about the case, and I'm sure they won't tell me any of the details before the trial. I had jury duty once before in 1986....
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Trying to recall my earliest memories.

1965 and 1966: I was less than three years old. Waiting at the Greyhound Terminal (August,October or September 1965) next to the diner my grandfather worked at during the Great Depression. He served Baby Face Nelson coffee there once when the Dillinger Gang was running around the upper Midwest. My mother was pregnant with my youngest brother. My grandfather...
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The location of the bridge, I shall never tell! wink
Well, I figure its near Baltimore. Now I have a reserach/Google Earth challenge when I get back to the US and have the bandwidth for that sort of thing.
Sounds like the Taliban just fired a 107mm rocket at us. This one sounded fairly close, but I doubt they hit anything. They aren't very good shots. If they ever get any good mortar crews here, they good go to town on this place, but I doubt they'd want to get that close to us. Most of the villages outside the wire are vey friendly...
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My third inauguration deployed: Bosnia 01, Afghanistan 05, Afghanistan 09.

Thank goodness I don't have to make any more polite lies when people ask me on duty what I think of the President.

Fallen comrade ceremony tonight. One soldier killed by the suicide bombing in Kabul today. I don't know his name or anything else about him except that he must have been part of Task Force Warrior sine he was killed on the gate at Camp Eggers. Hard to imagine the shock it must have been to his buddies. A guy goes out for guard duty and...
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A few days back we went out with the French to do a medical engagement in the valley. Scores of Afghans turned out looking for treatment. Amazingly women showed too. I've never seen Pashtun women come out for this sort of event in this part of the country. I think one reason is that many if not most of the Taliban have left for the...
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A bit over six months in Afghanistan now. This is my third trip here. I haven't been on this site for months because it is blocked on government computers.

Today, a friend from the two previous tours and this one died after months in a burn unit. This is the fourth person I've known who has died on this tour. All told the count for...
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