I recently wrote and submitted a story to a writing contest. The result was that they said I was getting "honorable mention" but only because my story was under the 10,000 word minimum, otherwise I would have won. I'm quite pleased with this. Next time I will need to spend more time so I can meet the minimum criteria.
I'm learning how to do Tarot readings for others. I've been doing it for myself for a while but I figured it would be interesting to do it for others. I enjoy peering deeply into the souls of others. It's interesting to say the least.
Hello, thank you very much for your comment on my rejected set "PROPAGANDA!"...and yes, all my tattoos are real! I hope you like them.
Stellae kiss kiss kiss
No problem. It is true afterall. wink I have liked all your sets, actually. love I'm intrigued by your freemason tattooes. What is your reason for getting them? Is there any specific significance?
I just watched the movie V for Vendetta...again. I really like that movie. My favorite quote from it is a simple one. The detective says, "All V has to do is to keep his Word." That is so excellent and strong. Ya, I like that.
I just got back from seeing La Boheme at the NYC Opera and it was really fantastic! I think I have found a new interest. I may even purchase Portland Opera season passes, if I can figure out a way to afford them. Anyway, so far the trip has been pretty fun. Did some touristy stuff and not so touristy stuff. Staying at my friends...
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That sounds amazing!
Thanks for loving my set smile
Ha! I'm 31 now. Holy crapola batman! I'm in NYC. Been running all over the place. Thought I'd post here to say hi cause I can.
thanks for doing a comment on my set smile

hey sasha and digweed fan too biggrin cool!! love
No problem. I like pale skin and red hair so your set attracted me. Then I read about how you used to go into the woods and explore. I thought that was cool. It looks really nice there. Then I saw your fantasy about traveling away and starting a new life so I made my little comment about getting married. ;-) Maybe I can help your fantasy come to life? Of course, I'm sure you have a billion offers of that. ;-) But yes, Sasha and Digwood are good among many other nice electronica musick.
I have an LJ at "http://www.livejournal.com/users/megasurge/" thought it is mostly friends only. I also have an okcupid account at "http://www.okcupid.com/profile?tuid=17922478979676218119" if you care. I may not look punk/goth/industrial now, but back in the day I was pretty hardcore. I decided I'd rather have good stable earnings though and cleaned myself up. wink

[EDIT] I deleted my LJ long ago. FYI.
Happy birthday, baby! kiss
Thank you.
Changed my user picture, the other one sucked. This one isn't the best, but it's recent.
It begins! ARRR!!!