Man, It's been a while since I last wrote. A few exciting things have happened. I went on vacation to Norris Lake up in Northern Tennessee. I didn't really do too much boating this year, but I did get a lot of relaxation, book reading, and drinking in. Last week I went to see Return To Forever IV with Zappa Plays Zappa at the LC...
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It's been a weird month. I've been sick for a lot of it, but I also have had some good times. The bad part of the cold I had went away, except I still cough occasionally. I went to my friend Jesse's Birthday party out in Cincinnati last weekend and had a hell of a time, even though I was still pretty stuffy. Jesse has...
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all I keep thinking about are lakes or pools with a swim up bar these days!
Baking is when you should follow instructions at least when it comes to measuring etc... cooking is when you can be creative but I will definitely keep an eye on the brownies while making them. I am sure my oven in this apartment is hotter than most ovens. Anyway it will be an adventure and the brownies I am making should turn out fine even if they are somewhat crispy at the edges. They are super fast and easy and I have made them before so I am not too concerned.

Great. I have a full on cold. Isn't this supposed to happen during wintertime, not in the middle of freaking summer!?
Yeah, I'm starting to feel worse. I haven't taken my temperature and I don't feel like I'm 104, but I definitely feel sick. I think one of the worst things about being sick in the summer is that its so nice and cheery out, but your body feels like it's in winter season. Hopefully your fever is long gone and you're enjoying the rest of the summer fever free.
Glad you're feeling somewhat better!
Yesterday was the first day of jamming in about maybe 3 months! Last week, my bandmate ended up having other plans so it got cancelled, so I ended up going to my cousin's graduation party. That was probably a good thing, since she was leaving Ohio earlier than I thought, so I wouldn't have been able to see her until much later this year. Jamming...
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I think some changes are going to be happening at work soon. I've mainly been photographing tires and then doing eBay listings for them and that's what usually my job entails. But my boss is also a web designer and I've helped him out with some pages. Web Design is my cup of tea, since I did a bit of that in college when I...
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Web design sounds like a gig that would be more fun smile Also, woot for jam session biggrin
Yeah I know my blogs have been sporadic and boring lately, but dammit I'm trying! kinda. biggrin
Got invited in the Grateful Dead group today, which is pretty cool. Now we need a King Crimson group!
I feel like I'm doomed to walk the earth forever single for the rest of my days. At the same time, there is a good feeling about being single. So 50-50?
good but tiring on some days. I am fighting off a nasty cold... was suffering from a really bad fever yesterday but I am hoping the wort is over. Other than that I wish i could be doing this job forever not just until September. I love dealing and working with people and $15/hr this job is definitely my thing. I mean there are a couple bad apples... really mean and rude people but for the most part I am good at what i do and right now I am loving it. Can't wait for my first pay check. Maybe I'll even make enough or save up enough to get one of my half sleeves done this summer!

Being and being in a relationship both have their upsides and downsides. When I go out with my girlfriends I usually wish I was single but then I come home to my man and realize why I have been with him for the past 3 years. It really is 50-50.
I hope your cold goes away Raynne and I'm glad you like your job pretty well. $15 an hour is definitely not too shabby!

Heathen_, you said it! biggrin
It might have just been me, but since it was very hot and muggy outside, I think the pissed off looking sun from Super Mario Bros. 3 was out today.
haha I remember that nasty sun! Thanks for the comment and "approval" on my set open book! smile
This guy that keeps talking about the rapture coming is really getting on my nerves. The media really needs to ignore him, because he's causing chaos. There's been reports that people have left their jobs, moved, and have actually killed themselves because they believed the rapture was going to come. This just goes to show you that churches need taxed and people need to quit...
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Sadly that's true.
Population in general needs to more wise (?). They're not listening to him because he's a great orator, or that he makes good points. They listen to him and believe him because they don't know any better themselves.
I agree, churches need to be taxed.