I started school a week ago. I've been recovering from a long and severe depression and thought that trying to get a degree in something would be the best way to finalize my recovery.
I guess I was wrong. So far I've realized that I haven't fully recovered and that depression and school don't mix very well. I don't know what to do, I don't...
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Today, in my inbox:

197 copies of the same email virus, from the same number of people!

Last night was an event we call culture night. The whole downtown area is filled with music acts and art and other stuff. It was pretty fun. All the clubs were filled way beyond capacity and I had to wait in line for 40 minutes to get into one of them.

Lately, When I go partying, I've been noticing a lot of americans that come...
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Well, the pipe thing didn't go all that well. I just don't have the patience for the damned thing.

Anyway, I've been working a lot the past few days, I'm really really really tired. Construction work isn't for me smile it's way too hard.
I'm really starting to look forward to school starting, next week. biggrin
I wish I could tell you why I was written up, but its kind of bad and, not really knowing me I dont think it would cast a good light on who I really am...because it is so not me.

Ask me again sometime...

did you try again with the pipe yet or have you given up completely?
Next time I see Kevin Smith I'll rearend him. It does sound kind of cool to talk to him...but what if in a situation like that he's a total dick? (decisions decisions)

My friend said I should have shouted out "Kevin Smith Sucks Balls!" as I drove by...thats a good plan too wink
I just bought a pipe to save money. Cigarettes are getting horribly expensive over here, so I'm going to be sucking the cancer pipe instead of the cancer sticks from now on. On the plus side, I do look really cool with it smile

Pass me my pipe Dr. Watson!
Yeah, I don't htink pipes are much better for you than cigarettes. How much is a pack of cigarettes in Iceland? If you give me local currency, I can convert it myself. Thanks to the Internet it tells me 1 USD = 78.2899 ISK. -Dave

[Edited on Aug 02, 2003]
pipes are way cooler,
pipe tobacco smells so good.
Amazing! I didn't even want to go out this weekend. Which is good since I went way overboard the last time.
Here's a little recap of the last weekend:

Drank a lot.
Hit on a girl who turned out to be closely related to me.
Drank some more.
Had my jacket stolen.
Freaked out because because my jacket was stolen.
Threw up in the cab...
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Thank god it's friday!!!

No, wait...... I'm unemployed, so every day is friday. Never mind.

I've been having a lot of trouble with sleep the past few day. Which is bad since I start school in less than a month and my internal clock is all messed up.
Today, I fell asleep a 1:00 PM and woke up at 11:00 PM. So I have to...
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Yeah, my class where we watched Xmen is a tough one. We were to analyze the sociological discrimation on mutants that the film portrays. Sure ... .

I don't think it'll take a month to get your sleep schedule worked out. Just keeping adjusting it 3-4hrs everyday and you'll be back to a 'normal' sleep schedule in a few days. -Dave
i related to barry egan, too. i was a lot like that at a time in my life. not with the pudding, but with the smashing.

my clock is destroyed. i've been going to bed at 5am and getting up at 1. luckily for me, i don't have any classes next semister before 2pm! (of course, that means i should get a morning job. what will probably happen is that i'll go to a lot of clubs during the week.)
I need some friends! Every time I look at my profile, this comment stare me in the face:

"This member has no friends. ha ha!"

How sad is that. A website is laughing at me! mad
a website is just an extension of the community that gathers there.

heya, welcome.
Heh ... there you go ... you have friends now. Don't be a stranger around here. -Dave
Hey all,

I just joined this site today. Don't know why though. Feel free to bother me tongue
welcome to the site. i hope you enjoy it as much as i do.