Heeeeelllllooooooo to all out there- The sun is shining in the Northwest part of the US today, so I figures "What the hell, a new blog post sounds good."

Here goes-

An update on my last post- My grandfather is all good. He ended up getting a rental car and blowing dodge before the police could end up getting a trace on him. So he...
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Thanks Jay, much appreciated. smile

Happy birthday again! Third time is a charm or something biggrin
If there's anything Dallas police love, it's beating up hippies.
New Blog post yay.

Welll what would have been a possible interesting meetup with my grandfather never happened. Him and my uncle were in Dallas last Thursday when my grandfather got pissed off, got out of the car and went into a Sheraton that was close to a bus station. From there no word has been heard about him, which is worrisome as he is...
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when i get to portland, no pizza... but my roommate and i will cook for moving help!
not yet... were gonna start looking soon.. imma have to search online while in alaska

id like a yard... but most important is an enclosed kitchen.
hello, salutations and yadda yadda yadda.

Everything is going meh. Drama at work with a new guy who is supposed to help us increase our production through implementing certain procedures, and when he unvieled some of it, drama ensued, where he got snarky with people, putting them down and everything else when they asked questions about certain aspects of things. Me, I'm just eh. As...
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I wouldn't be able to let the snarkiness slide. I'm one of those, "Oh, it's on!" kind of peoplebiggrin
Thank you so much! Hope you enjoy your weekend! It's suppose to be nice tomorrow!
That's nice work!

If you happen to kill anyone in Vegas we'll just bury the body in the desert.skull
that looks awesome mate!,how many more sittings does she think it'll take?,and cheers for the congratsbiggrin,shall buy you a beer in vegas!
hello again SGland. Hope you all had an awesome St. Patrick's day, and are finally sober enough to smart making thoughtful decisions again. Mine was spent working in the wee hours of the early morning, then coming home to nap and relax what little I could, due to the unfortunate scenario of me trying to stash what little money I do have away. But I...
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Thanks man. If caught early, it's treatable and not a big deal. I'm confident that this is just a false alarm and I'll be fine. I'm just doing the other tests to play it safe. With my luck, i'd swear i didn't have it then go blind in a day.
Well it's time for a much more happier blog entry since the last couple. I figure fuck it, might as well try to be the most positive I can be and all that noise.

Well, I was able to get some of the running around done for my masonic lodge yesterday. I still just have a bunch of little things to run around for now....
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The Clash was clearly a better band. The Pistols sent a hand scrawled letter to the powers that be when they were inducted into the Rock & Roll hall of fame basically insulting the institution and refusing to have anything to do with them. It was cool, if not a little childish. I met Johnny Rotten back in 2000 and chatted with him for a good half an hour, mostly about politics. he was a surprisingly nice guy. Not just nice for a punk, but much nicer than the average person. He even offered me one of his cigarettes after I smoked my last one without me asking.

Malcolm McClaren brought punk to the UK by way of New York. He briefly managed the New York Dolls in the mid 70s and saw the rise of the NY punk scene. He taught the Pistols how to act, what to play what to think, and basically how to be "punk". The Pistols song "Pretty Vacant" was suggested by McClaren because he wanted them to write a song that was the English equivalent of "Blank Generation" by Richard Hell & the Voidoids, the song most directly responsible for describing the punk ethos. Punk was born in New York then spread from there. As for who was the first real punk band, one could argue that until the end of time. Personally, I think of the Ramones as the band that laid the foundation for what punk was to be. They were certainly the band that carried punk out of New York and spread it around the rest of America. When they first toured their audience members, who had never heard punk before, began starting their own punk bands all over the country.

I can talk about this crap all day. Can you tell?biggrin
I think most of what you see publicly of Johnny Rotten is just an act, his public persona. That in itself is such a British punk thing. It seems like most of early Brit punk is about going out of your way to shock people.
American punk: "I'm going to do whatever I feel like, and I don't care what other people think about it."
British punk: "I'm going to do what I do specifically to shock and annoy other people."
You see that in the way punks dressed in the 70s. In America is was about antifashion. People would get old clothes at Goodwill and didn't care what they looked like. Not caring what they looked like was a way of rebelling, and that's how the safety pin thing got started. Your crappy shirt got ripped? Fix it with a safety pin! In England they spent lots of money buying "punk" clothes from Malcolm McClaren, jackets with bizarre cuts that already had 500 safety pins attached to it. It seems like the look was the most important thing in the UK, whereas in the US punk was primarily about the mindset. The sound itself was nothing more than bringing rock & roll back to its roots. It was a reaction to the ostentatious, overindulgent arena rock that had taken over the airwaves by the mid 70s. When you listen to early Ramones, or the Dead Boys, or any of those early NY punk bands, the structure of their songs is like sped up Chuck Berry or Gene Vincent. Just basic, highly accessible, high energy rock & roll that anyone can play.

In my mind punk is a 70s and 80s thing. If you want to get into the more accessible stuff from the last ten or twenty years, I'd agree that there's more of an English influence. The English sound was more polished. The English have always been that way, in every era. American musicians have more of a connection with their blues, folk and country roots in the way they play rock & roll. For an example, look at the difference in the playing styles of Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton. It's a matter of personal preference, I guess, but I think the English shoot themselves in the foot sometimes by overproducing their music. They kill the soul of the music with overproduction, giving it a sterile sound.
Meh... My life is so full of annoyances, I hardly know where to start..

Well let's see-

1)My coworkers are arrogant assholes, who even after I help can't use the neccessary energy to at least say "thanks"

2) I've got a number of people to call, and wheel and deal with, for an event my masonic lodge is putting on, and I haven't started yet....
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Well that all sounds...not fun. Hope it all improves significantly for you, and soon.
You get to buy me breakfast, so at least you have something to look forward to.
Well Bleh.

I worked through the shift on Friday night through Saturday morning, but my other shift I signed up for, I ended up sleeping through it. OH well.
They're trying to shun the poetry prof. But, since I'm on the creative writing comittee, I get caught in the middle.
Mmmmm fried chicken, maybe next week. That sounds awesome.
Work all through this weekend, as well as 10 hr shifts on tuesday, thursday and Friday coming up. The things I do for love of having a roof over my head, food in belly, and nicotine in my blood system. *sigh* But at least with that, I can put some towards starting my half sleeve, Which Hopefully, I can start and get a decent majority...
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What about being a homeless guy with a bitchin' half sleeve?
im doing alot of overtime as well at the mo mate so know the feeling...but i like smoking cos it makes me look big and clever...well thats what my peers say!biggrin

95% of the things said in this video you can actually hear on the streets on Portland. I don't whether that makes us funny...or the president needs to send a shitload of mental health specialists out here stat.

As for the comings and goings of me , it's the same ole, same ole. Just got my ears stretched to my final size, and have been...
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Shit portlanders say lol
Figure I might as well do a new one of these bad boys-

Weeeeellll, this is what's been new with me-

1)I got my ears nearly stretched where I want them to be, at 0gauge. I want to get them to a 00gauge, but that'll take a bit.

2)I just bought a new laptop-I like this one and now, I'm just trying to tweak everything...
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Very true it's still a powerful bond
Here's to a new year, new friends, to hoping 2012 will be better than years past.

That's what I'm trying to do right now. I don't think the wrench I have is the right size for it though, but it's the only one I have so I'll have to make it work.
*sigh* I don't even like that cat in the first place... lol
Success! Also, I was having a total blonde moment just trying to pry my sink apart without a towel or bucket or anything (even though i KNOW better) before I saw your comment. lol. So you just saved me from a huge mess. I don't think well when I'm panicked lol.

Just pull apart the sink! No preparation! What could go wrong!?!?! hehehe.