where did my passion go? i was such a dreamer as a kid. limits were things for other people.

now i feel washed out. the proverbial looser.

when did i stop living and start existing?


:another mood swing: all things will pass like pale water under the bridge of life.
Hey, man. I've been in that state for the past eight years. Yes, it blows goats. It's possible to work through it though... I hope. Anyway, thanks for the welcome.
hey, if you want to go ordering stuff from the shop, let me know because i'm in. been working far more hours than i was supposed to this week and i want to treat myself.

busy, busy, busy.

two websites to maintain, a rather lage cd collection to convert to mp3s, dvds to copy, first week of school, work still happening and various odd-jobs to complete.

and i am starting to feel common-cold sickish...

i think i caught it from vaj's journal...

mmmmmm ... sexy soozee.

a friend from years ago... finally single. its kinda weird, and definately rebound central.

but fun.

and so very unlike me... what kinda fcuked up luna cycle am i in right now???

ahhhh... so that is what that tingly sensation is...
I'd see a doctor about that. tongue

[Edited on Mar 04, 2003]
Not poor now! So i splashed out by getting a new shirt. $4 from the local op-shop, it has dolphins on it. Dolphins rule.

Working another huge weekend ... no social life ... but no bills either.

Sometimes i look at myself and wonder, have i changed?

Yup, I LOVE my hoodies.. they're SO warm and snuggly. biggrin love

Yup, still applying for SG, soon as I can get my man to take some pics for me.
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wonder, have I changed? And then I realise that the light's still on and I haven't changed at all, I'm still in my clothes from the night before and I must have passed out on my bed again.

In my opinion it's better to have bills and a social life than neither. If you have nothing you have a void, and a void needs to be filled with something. This public service announcment was brought to you by Gin and Tonic.
Working working working. Still poor. Monthly pay is suck.

I started 07:00 and finished at 23:00 both days this weekend. I fell asleep at the end of my shift last night, and my replecement had been there for about ten minutes before i woke up. I have no idea how long i had been sprawled out on the floor...

Damn i felt cool.

Thank you. smile
And I love the Labyrinth too.. that movie is all sorts of cool. biggrin

I've been working, working, working myself. Can't wait to start uni and do part-time hours again, this six days a week bizniz is killing me. frown
i'm back already, sadly. i did go to wellington for 2 days. it was windy as all hell, especially in my friend's top-floor apartment on the Terrace. did not run into peter jackson. maybe ran into you, but wouldn't have known it was you. i would have been the girl on the street corner covering her face...looked like i was crying, but really i was trying to get the dirt out of my eyes. smile
Real Ultimate Power! Ninja fans unite! And worship Edea while we are at it! No, i dont mean 'at IT'. Doing that will definately get you in trouble, unless your partner happens to be called Edea. Better not to risk it.

In other news, Akira rocks.

In yet other news, http://www.homestarrunner.com/ is an awe-inspiring site for those of us with... less than conventional humour. Definately...
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Akira does rock, the first two times I saw it I was in no state to understand movies, but I was pleasantly surprised the next time I saw it that it was as crazy as I remembered it. I love the scene with the toy animals that all come to life.

Are you back at uni yet? I start again on Monday, where did my holidays go?
Yo, the bike is super flash, with suspension and disc brakes and all that jazz. Not that I need any of that but it looks so cool.

I'm a bit embarassed to be called a musician, as I have not one musical bone in my body, except maybe the tiny little ones in my ears. I'm more of a tech guy, but the hanging around with the real musicians does lead to a lot of drinking. There's been a lot of rock n roll on of late, which I'm hoping will settle down a bit so I can concentrate on my schooling. Yes, going to university is the way to kerb my alcohol consumption. whatever
Wow, just watched akira again last night. Amazing film, especially when you take into account how long ago it was made.
Also found a cool site while being boored at work: http://www.homestarrunner.com/
Oh my... what a twisted world we live in!!!
Well, i have almost managed the holy grail of bedroom geekdom-
My computer now has:
- 21" sony trinitron flatscreen monitor;
- cambridge soundworks 4.1 speakers;
- dvd and divx movies;
- tiny little muze64 portable mp3 player;
- leadtek tv and fm tuner;
- arcade machine emulator with over 100 games;
- two wireless gamepads.;
- 2 ultra-comfy crossbred beanbag-chairs.
Now i never need...
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I know it's a kinda girly wishlist, but all the coolstuff can't be shipped to New Zealand (computers, turntables, headphones, minidisc/mp3 players, cameras... etc). frown

So I have to settle for books, cosmetics and accessories. Ok... maybe "settle" isn't the right word... I still want it all. wink

Biggups for your computer... it sounds kriss.
Being poor is good for the soul, especially if you're poor because you spent all your money on cool stuff. It's terribly unwholesome to have a lot of money and nothing to do with it.

I am slightly concerned however that you might be spoiling your computer as a substitute for, you know. I'm sure no one would notice if weren't an SG member. biggrin
PH33R the awesome power of the GARU LAMP!

Word, the plugs in my kitchen sink look like Doremon, or someone. But they don't light up, that's for sure.
Yeah I'm loving the kind of seeing, we're being all very cute about it. Tomorrow we're going out for lunch and I'm trying to think of some way to make it exciting. The problem is she works in the city and it's going to be full of people having picnics in the parks.

Perhaps we can go fly paper aeroplanes.
Things are good.

I fell asleep at work again this morning. But thats ok, because no one saw me. Its only wrong if someone else notices.

I got a Garu (Pucca & Garu) lamp yesterday... it is the cutest thing i own, i will post a profile pic of it as soon as i can be assed.

My Magic Eight Ball reckons that i am...
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haha, magic eight balls are great smile

i tend to stick to my mates tatiana fortune cards for a weekly forecast which is more cryptic and frustrating than any other.
Well, i bit the bullet and took the nasty chicken-legs-effect-giving levi jeans back to the shop and bullshitted my way into swapping them for a pair of dickies work pants. Muuuuch better.

Beutiful day out today ... and who says wellington has crap weather? Shame on all you nay-sayers.

Looks like i am going to be doing some monster shifts over the next couple of...
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hey, the only guy i've wanted in a while told me i was a 'mistake' tonight.

intimacy is an instinct... i was literally scared of men until i found the right guy to show me that it nothing to be scared of.

but then, i'm also a total virgin when it comes to relationships. well, pretty much.

[Edited on Feb 08, 2003]
Well, i at work today ... surfing suicide messageboards ... this is a test. Hopefully i wont get fired for looking at 'porn'.

I figure i might get away with it for three reasons:
1) Defining SG as porn is debateable anyways.
2) I am surfing with images turned off, but im not sure if that will show up in their logs.
3) The IT...
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I hope so too.. although I've been sick... I have been out and about making some use of the sun today. Hehe!!

Ooooh that trenchcoat sounds swanky as!! Where'd you find it?? Gotta say I've never really liked those levi engineered jobs. :\ Dickies rule though. :]
It's hard to describe Lilo and Stitch without making it sound corny or lame.
Basically, if you have a sense of humour and you like cartoons and spaceships, I reckon you'll like it.
But you have to like Elvis, cos that's what the soundtrack is smile
And the females are all drawn in a very non-Disney fashion with big bottoms and normal looking clothing, and none of them are over the top pretty.