I'm at home, bored and doing class work for my enviro bio class. I invite you to interrupt me. Come find me on aim - MauditeUzziel, let's talk!
Today someone refered to me as Mr. Hyde, (as in Dr. Jekyll). I have no clue on how to take it or exaclly what she meant by it. I must add that I have never created a potion that brings out the bad in me (Beer doesn't count, as I am not a mean drunk). Nor do I transform into some deranged villian that stalks...
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I ran into an old friend last week. It had been almost 3 years since we had last spoke. I guess we both desided to swallow our pride. The wierd thing once we started talking it was almost as if no time had past since the last time we spoke.
Been working on my cigar habit more. Finally got me a humidor last week, but didn't like the hydrometer it came with and so I upgraded to a digital one that gives a better reading. And today I ordered a new humidifier that is supposed to be better at keeping the correct humidity. I'm already thinking of getting a larger humidor, the one I have...
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thank you!
actually the fucked up thing was that she left in another vehicle. Instead of calling her insurance company (since she probably didnt have one) she called for a ride. So the van was still there, we just don't know if the cops were able to find out anything from it. tongue
I can't go back to work untill I am all better. If I had injured myself on the job they'd work me with restrictions, but since I got sick and have restrictions I can't work. I still hurt when taking deep breaths thats cause of the fluid on my lungs, and around the heart.
vegan ice cream sandwiches... who knows? but they are damn tasty! biggrin

ps. i cant believe you live in mesquite. i work at a restaurant called mesquite. woooooooooooooo

pps. how are you doing? fluid in your lungs.. frown howd that happen
No idea whats going on with my lungs hopefully I'll learn something soon.
your lungs? whats happening.
good luck with everything love
Not much going on. Gotta get chest x-rays tomorrow. Figured I'd go to class tonight and tomrrow night. thats about it.