Aye, so this is my first journal entry... So yesterday in my sound design class I found out my teacher is friends with Dave and Steve from Big Black, I have to do a music video project on saturday... I think me and this girl stash are going to do it to a modest mouse song. It should be fun.

So on my edit preferences...
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Very cruel it can be. They can make fun of you so...
Spiderland is one of my all time favorite records. I interviewed Steve Albini in 1991 for Maximumrocknroll and he said at the time that it was the best record he'd ever heard, so I of course went right out and bought it. It still sounds totally original after all this time.
Rapeman is good, though not as good as some of the other bands related to it. But it's a must have for Big Black/Shellac/Jesus Lizard/Scratch Acid fans. There's only the ep "Budd" or LP "Two Nuns and a Packmule". Prolly some singles and comp tracks too, but those are the two big releases.