This evening will bring my time without Soda to 1 month. The scale last night said I was 266lbs. That is the least i have weighed in a number of years.ginning of week 3 tomorrow
Chances are fairly decent that i could get a raise at the end of the year. That's a good thing, because I am unfortunately back to living check to check...
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Congrats on the successful weight loss smile

Here is the mid-fall picture. Now the most attractive, but it works, haha.

Thank you! smile
getting to sleep has been rather hard lately. Dreamed I was covered with spiders last night, jerked awake before it got to bad. that is kind of a good thing and a bad, when dreams get a little to intense, it feels like i pull myself out of it. Then I have to try to go back to sleep while i lay in bed twitching.
Only taken the bus twice in the last two weeks. I'm down 22 lbs from my heaviest of about a year ago. Not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but it's a start. The beginning of this week will be a test, I have to open and close every day. That's means up early and back late.

I'm stuck in Louisiana, doing absolutely nothing. This is the first time in a long time that I have cable, and I still can't find anything to watch.

Gotta figure out what I am going to do when I get back to FLorida. I have to lose weight and get in shape. I also need to figure out how to be better with people in...
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Started At a bike Shop in mid january. I am now the key carrier, shift manager type person. i's a good job and pays well. I like it alot. hopefully soon i will have enough money for a laptop and internet.
Finally started work today. Working Garlic fest here in Delray. Just loaded in the stuff for the band Little Feat. I think Tomorrow is the Gin Blossoms. TUesday I satrt working run crew at the Caldwell. It pays 350 a week and it isn't very hard. That will get me to mid December. Plus the TD Went ahead and signed me up for the change...
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You ever just one thing in your life to go right?
I am so tired.