Mouse attack!!! Mice are eating our food and taking over the house.

Just got to the end of The Grudge on DVD last night (which, by the way, is one of the scariest films ever - it scares the pants off me every time I watch it), when my girlfriend shot six feet in the air screaming her head off.

Seems like the mice which...
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Nipples nipples nipples... can't get them out of my head. What's a boy to do?
The 1st step is admitting your "addiction." Looks like you've completed the 1st step! wink
ooh. i guess his face sorta does look football-shaped! tongue
North Korea! Just booked to go there in two weeks time. Can you believe it - they are having a film festival in Pyongyang! Should be an interesting week... (and having just read the story on preparations for war with USA/South Korea, it might be even more interesting than I'd at first thought)
It's 10.30pm and London is dark... sitting in front of the screen... eating Japanese... watching Lost... thinking hmmm, must get this blog going... wondering... will anyone read this... if so, tell me what you're doing...