Why am i so finicky ???
i really think that its easy to please me...
Its just that when i get milk on my paw,
its like i want to try and shake it off. Do i want to
feel something???... or try and shake something???...
i think that the best thing ever though,is when i'm fed and pet at the same time; there is...
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wow, you really shouldnt read that when you're tired.... surreal

people that don't care what they feed their cats are mean. and my cats are the most finicky cats ever....which doesnt make sense since they're so fat tongue
i empty a bag of lettuce and herbs from a store called Trader Joes into a stainless-steel bowl large enough to handle some good tossing capacity. i've got a little steamer basket gettin ready some stemmed and cut green beans to just under-done perfection. Before i know it, the crisp gleaming-green- beans are drained and added to the bowl. I really enjoy the color, taste...
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k, vinegar is amazing. i love it. pickled beets, mustard....where would i be without thee? and avocadoes?! don't even get me started about their wonder..... love
Will i be Loved?
Will i be happy in Love?
This i do not know...
i'm quite sure i can Love more than sufficiently.
i'm quite happy being in Love with myself.
i best do my best to find out.
At least i will be keeping the Love moving. surreal miao!!
i love your profile pic wink
you're back!!!

your account disappeared for a few days- i assumed you had left the site frown but you're back!! biggrin
What does love mean?
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:
"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time,...
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♥ wuv ♥
ps- everytime i look at your profile pic i get a bit happier. blush i'm assuming thats a lime?
Make it up to yourself.
That is my phrase for 2005. Like Nike's "just do it"
"Make it up to yourself" !!!
i hear," treat yourself to some naps in the sun";
for having worked so many hours inside all day.
i also hear "create anything you want".
If any two things could be done together;
all in one phrase, i'm gunna use it.
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Whats goin on in my head right now???...
i'm thinking about all the death and destruction happening right now between war and natural disaster.
i wonder what a yearly average of deaths is, from the two?
i then think that war doesn't even belong next to/with natural disasters, because of how wicked and deliberate war is.
Two things are for sure... i value time more...
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just 10. These are some of my favorite goals for '05.

1. Lighten up. even more. Worth it, versus easy.
2. Focus on what "is" goin' right and good and always seeing the progress, and blur what "isn't".
3. Set goals that i can Abstastinkin'lutly DO.
4. Walk in more grace. for me and me mate's mistakes.
5. Master 1 new skill. i'll just pick...
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It kinda feels good when everyone does something similar, all at the same time. Define as you will, this day and its meaning; yet what part are you? For me, feeling this season
of potent gatherings and knowing that the numbers of people
around the world are all adding to this pulse, gives me hope that "it is" possible for any other type of behavior/tradition...
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Oh, and about my disguise in my picture; I made extra sure
about there being no pulp or juice in my hat before I put it on; and yes it is genuine Californian lime. I feel more secure
with it on because if everybody were to see how cute I really am, I'd be responding to intersted S.G.s all day; and as much as that...
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Time to Update...Its 4:33 am and I just got back from Hawai'i.
I'm amazed at how when I go to new places and do new things, that my entire life is completely kicked up `many levels and in all areas. I feel like I'm reprogramed with the newest and latest softwear. Time is of the essence to ride my own momentum. Best get some rest....
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