Currently listening to: Rammstein "Engel"

GAAAAH! Yeah I could of went snowboarding today! by the time I got to school the auxilery office was closed so I couldnt get VICA cards to get rods. So I couldnt even weld.. I could of went boarding! pisses me off!
My best friend is trying to talk me into going to Boston with him and I have no...
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well...i go and have fuck loads of fun... i dont go religiously i go for lingerie night and i think im going this next week. just hanging out with people is the best part. you should try it, you never know if you might like it.

no being under 21 hasnt stopped me but i thinking ill have little weekend binges for a while.

tell your friend to kiss of! if you cant go you cant go. don let him make you do something you dont want to do. i thin kits the time of year when best friends turn to ass holes! my best friend is being a bitch. we're (11 friends and i) renting a house in rosirito for my b-day and she said she wasnt going to pay all that money (60 bucks) if she wasnt going to have her own room. ( 3 bedroom house) and my boyfriends best friend said that he wasnt going to sleep on the couch, and wanted his own room. assholes!!!
sorry to rant!
For what Im gona do to the employees of my store, I wont need a tac light, Im gona need a chainsaw.
Bills suck I wanna kill them, but they are not alive so I shall live the with satiscation that I technically kill them when I oay them, but there like a bad STD and keep coming back
Currently listening to: Rancid Spirit of 87

Uhhhhg. I was so tired last night I passed out. I didnt feel like arguing with the chick causing all the drama. She said good bye and I was like "whatever". She tried to make it look like I was the bad guy trying to make me feel like I used her. She is the one who told...
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Currently listening to: Joe Satriani "Slow and Easy"

God Im still sore as hell. Work was pretty boring but I got to hang out with my homie Mike which was cool. Working on commission usually rawks because I also get paid by the hour but when we get slow days like today I dont make much. Was almost late today and larry was livid.. I...
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nods they are... the Imagine one is on my right thi and the Mistress one actually has more to it but I couldnt find the actual pick of it on me but it says it across the back of my neck Mistress of the Unknown
I already drank after work last night, it marginally helped.
Currently listening to: White Zombie "More Human thank Human"

God Im sore. I was working out late last night after I posted. It was a good workout even though it was with the weights in my room. Push ups, sit ups, wieghts and shadowboxing. Went to sleep around 4am and woke up way late for work. Didnt get in much trouble though which is good....
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hi mad dog!

i have to work today at the moment i'm really hating work. there's nothing more depressing than getting up in the morning and knowing that you've got to put your nose to the grindstone and tolerate a lot of crappy conservative people!! time to look harder for something new.


Thats pretty cool. I never really got into the asian words. Sometimes you dont really know what they put on you. One time at work this girl came in with an asian character on her arm and she claimed it said justice. A chinese guy over heard and informed her that she got whore tattooed on her arm. Sure enough (us having access to the internet at work) found out he was right. I guess if you do the research on the tattoo yourself and know what you want it would be really cool and I must admit it looks really attractive on alot of girls. Just not my style. Are those your tattoos? I will have to display the pictures of the tatts I want to get.

Hi Mandy! Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet both of you smile
Currently Listening to: Flogging Molly "Likes of you Again"

Drama just seems to follow me no matter what. I know its probobly just my fault because I could choose my actions a little better but ehh, Im weak. Ok, so I met this chick online, she was really cool and we hung out. I was fricken exhasted at the end of the night and havent...
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I could have been mean and told ya to get this tatoo...

with my name under it LOL but I wont tongue so I say... get this one....

now if you can tell me what they both say I will give ya a brownie point smile

[Edited on Feb 25, 2005 10:35AM]
ummmm...... *ponders*
it says "Im trendy"? *eyeshift* just kidding wink