I think i fell.

Eh, i feel like crap. I know i should have expected these things. I'm always saying i'm well adjusted, i guess i'm also a liar about that. I Don't know. This week has sucked so much.

Right about now i could use a nice hug, and a nap.
Lately i'm disconnected. *sigh*, I liked my job, until i found out they hated me. Hah. i'm still trying to figure that one out.

Other than the desire to be something new and exciting, venture where no one has before n such. I'm fine. Classes are easy, and TV sucks. Thank Vishnu i have the loving embrace of the suicidegirls. love

C:\Maaz /out

I put a hyperlink on the hair extention lifestyle board- where you posted- a few days ago.

I think the freakin plastics- would look cute in your hair.- check it out.