Well, im heading camping this weekend end, i got all my things ready, cleaned the car, bought the food and most importantly the beer and the booze.. its going to be nice to get away for a couple days!!
I have a love/hate relationship with my workout days.. i hate them and dread them all day till i actually do them, and then i feel so much better!!!
Well wish i could remember what went on last night.. all i remember is beersbee and bbq.. and then i dont remember much more.
Weekends here, BBQ with friends tomorrow. Hopefully that can keep my mind occupied and from thinking about my ex...
Biked 10 miles non stop today... dont think ill be able to walk tomorrow eeek
Well i guess people cant change over night... had to learn that one the hard way!!
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me..blush
Well i started to work out last night, needles to say today im sore, but its a must specially with summer just weeks away!!
Feelis like a good night to surf youtube and find some good tunes.. Maybe even just rock out to Bob Marley!!

Good song when your feeling down


[YOUTUBE]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sZ-D4jmkUiQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/YOUTUBE]
Guess i dont know how to upload youtube videos