Its late-ish and Im exhausted. I fucked my knee up pretty good on a stealthy rock today. Paintball is the best thing ever, I shot Sean right in the face, what beats shooting your friends with no consequences?
Also, I need to go out more and meet some new people. Our circle of friends needs some new blood and I think everyones getting sick of...
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Oh Friday, where have you been all my life? Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, I get to play paintball Sunday, Im the luckiest boy ever!
i prefer saturdays. and tuesdays. days i DONT have to work
Went to my Sister in Laws BDay this evening. Interestingly, there was a pretty major brown out in Coventry, Assuming anything in coventry can be termed major. I show up late as always due to that work thing I do. Oddly the most satisfying lukewarm steak eaten in the dark in a good long while.
Then Mom got drunk on wine, my bro left and...
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Today forecast is Pissy early this morning, with a 85% chance of melancholy this afternoon. Could be either late scattered slef loathing or rage depening on the phase of the moon.
I heard on the radio that new new prediction for the end of thw world is 2012. Im not sure how I feel about that, really.
I wish life was more like movies, everything works out and only takes a couple hours and its all over.
Back from NYC weekend and open bar on work. Nothing says thanks for not sucking at your job like free steak and an open bar. Art kids hanging out at the MoMA are hysterical, I wish Id had a camera with me. I did get to go to the Sex Museum though and that was really excellent. Pin Ups and porn through the ages, stag...
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This is how the world ends
This is how the world ends
This is how the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper

Just get it over with already.
i think the orange guy was a 12 year old escaped convict. yup.
I hate staying in on thursdays. I should be drunk by now. I hate being a grown up. I never really understood that toys r us "I dont wanna grow up" song until now. I miss High school and its attendant debauchery. I need to go to more shows, its the closest thing left. In that vein, I will go to every show I hear...
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Someone said "Have a good resurrection" to me today. What do they know that I dont? Does Easter still mean anything to anyone other than candy as a kid? Did it ever? Its funny to think that what started as a sort of grass-roots rebellion went on to become the most amazingly oppressive, insular regime on the face of the earth. Then again, Id wager...
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StPadraigs in Boston was good. Im flat mother fucking broke as a result, but well worth it. I got to see some people I havent, to my shame, kept in contact with as much as I should.

Im in such a weird place right now, Ive got a lot of thinking ahead of me. I always wondered why deep down Im depressed, no matter how...
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