OK, I really don't have anything to say. I'm just bored as hell. I guess all I can do now is just quote the song that has been running through my head for the past few days nonstop.

We need to talk
Step into my office baby
Wanna give you the job
A chance of overtime
Say my place at nine

She'd never stand for...
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OK, it's time to go back to the war. It's been a nice 17 days but I gotta go. I have to wonder if people from London are sick of all the tourists?
well, they have to be more sick of the tourists now, what with them all being stuck in london given that the flights have been cancelled wink
dread to think what the tourists think of london!
OK, I finally got hit because I didn't look the right way. Am I a slow learner or what? Good thing it was only by some guy on his bike. So sorry to that British guy on his bike I ran into in front of Kensington Gardens.

Also, thanks to that British guy who gave me a Dr Pepper while I was walking the river...
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I'm in London! I almost got hit by cars twice because I can't seem to figure out that I need to look the other way before crossing the street. I'm hearing British slang that I don't understand. What does dodgey (sp?) mean? There are beautiful British women EVERYWHERE! The accient is so sexy. I have a theory that the British talk just like an American,...
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dude! i wanna go to london. why don't you come work for me in albuquerque and i'll go party for you in london.
dodgy means shady or not right.. i know some british slang so you can always ask if you need to know. skull
I'm going to be in London soon. I can't wait! I need the break. I hate people!! BOOBIES!!!!!
The lotion fights continue. My boss seems less than pleased. He would probably chew our asses if he didn't know we were just blowing off steam. I get to go on another mission outside the wire soon. (Can't say where or when so don't ask till it's over) (Even though I'm about the only person who reads this, so I won't tell myself) Anyway, it's...
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I thought the insurgents had forgotten about us, but the mortar attacks are back. Someone left a bottle of hand lotion in the office. Out of boredom and stress we took to having lotion fights. After the bottle ran out we didn't want the fun to end, so we ordered more. Your tax dollars went to buy us 12 bottles of lotion so we can...
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lotion fights, eh. interesting. take care x
The humanitarian mission went ok. It was very unorganized. We went out to deliver wheelchairs to children. I saw people who really have it rough. The day started with mortar fire and people yelling and ended with children in new wheelchairs and us playing firsbee with the Iraqi Army. How many people can say they played frisbee with the Iraqi Army? When you think of...
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Mortar attacks on a daily basis, do you ever get the feeling you aren't wanted? People are making a lot of money off this war. I'm being sent on a humanitarian mission to a village not too far from here. I wonder how it's going to go?

I saw camels and nomads the other day. I really am in the Middle East!
I'm off to Iraq soon. Won't this be a treat! Anybody want me to pick up somthing while I'm out? A loaf of bread or a gallon of milk?
My last fortune cookie said "When you are squeezed what comes out is what is inside" Hmmmm. Just thought I'd tell the world. Anyway, BOOBIES!!!
