Well, unfortunately I'm not getting any better.

In fact, I'm getting worse. The fever makes me have the strangest dreams. Hopefully I'll be better soon.

I just need to rest more and drink more fluids. (no, beer doesn't count.)

Until then, everyone take any corresopndence from me that you receive with the understandoing that I'm not 100%.


I pushed myself beyond the limit and now I'm paying the price.

I have a nasty cold, but it's better to have a cold after all the long hours are over than during the long hours.

Where's my NyQuil?
Happy Birthday anyhow!
Thanks for the post, your too sweet! You feeling any better?
No bed.
No sleep.
No bed.
No sleep.

Only a couple more days.........
Halloween Haunt is comming.

Things are going to get very busy!

Ah, who needs sleep anyway?
I'm sorry man. I'd love to help, but I don't have enough info to argue with him. Plus, I hadn't even heard of this "discouraged" thing until the thread was brought to me by you. So, I would get hammered good.
I just wanted to say that you raised some good arguments in your latest reply in the disenfranchisement thread. I'm only posting this here, tho, because I'm not a fan of making one-line "me too" or "good point" posts.

That said, good point. smile

Maybe the pivotal part of the issue is whether or not we should assume intent when the circumstances are unclear, yet suggestive. That's an open question, I think, applying to many more situations than the one at hand.

Thanks for the reasoned response.
Well, this week I found a couple of old friends on the internet.

One was a gay audio tech I used to work with and the other was I gay playwright that I used to go go to college with.

It's almost like I typed "Loudog's gay friends" into Google.

The internet is so strange, but it is soo great to find old friends.
Thank you for helping put Reprobate in his place.

[Edited on Sep 20, 2004 8:28PM]
You should consider applying for SG Conservatives. I gave you a reccomendation, so you should get in pretty quick.
Had this horrible nightmare last night that I suddenly found myself on some reality show and I was about to get married to someone that I didn't know.

She was in this white dress and going on and on about this gigantic expensive wedding that she was planning and all I could think about was how to get out of this A.S.A.P.!

Sometimes my subconscious...
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Today I walked down to the ocean from my apartment. It took me about an hour to get there.

When you consider that it takes me 45 minutes to drive to work, it doesn't seem like such a long walk.

I also went down to the always photographic rocky beach at Corona Del Mar at sunset. There were no fewer than 6 couples taking wedding...
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Well, today I went in search of a haircut. I'm fairly new to this city and the last "salon" that cut my hair butchered it.

I found myself at a rock - a - billy barber shop. It's "appointment only" but it's not pretentious. (I lucked out because there was a cancellation)

The walls are covered with artifacts and posters from days past and the...
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Aargh! I made the mistake of reading the whole thread.

Well, you're holding your own, but it's kind of a hollow victory. I stand by my original conclusion that he's a bitter grad-school dropout... there's no other way to become so capable a sophist.

I strongly empathize with your choice of current crush. I can't get enough of her buff arms in Terminator 2.
thanx for commenting on my set.......and for noticing the circle construction of the photos!!!!
not many people realized it!
My Mom is very upset. She left a message on my machine saying that her sister's husband had gone to the nursing home and shot and killed her sister, then he killed himself.

Now my mom's sister was pretty bad off. She was suffering from alzheimer's and was recently bedridden. Mom knew that she would probably be going soon and in a way my aunt's...
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condolence thats sad my grandma has alzheimer's frown
Well, things are really dull these days.

I got so bored that I took the Fender Strat apart, cleaned it and reassembled it.

That's boredom!
I'm still basking in the afterglow of the SGB shows.


Do what ever you can to see it and be sure to tip the girls. (They need the money for lunch.)
I had this strange dream last night. In the dream, I was rehearsing for an acting part. The strange thing about the part was that it was not for a play or movie; instead, someone had built a perfect recreation of a 1930's town and we were all playing the parts of the townspeople in real time. There wasn't really a script. We just had...
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Come say 'hi' at the show!
Hey! Yeah a friend posted to me about it and it was on the boards. It's been the joke at work. The company would fire whoever actually did it.

I'm going to the Burlesque show friday w/ Dea, you going?