elated yet deflated at the same time is a very strange mix indeed,add into the mix hazy drunk and all in all its an odd feeling.Went to a poker club this evening with a friend and was expecting to be there till at least 3am with the hope of being up and very drunk..BUT best laid plans never go smooth..i was doing well , was...
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Dear friend. . . I shall be here for a few more days, maybe weeks. How long does it take to post a question?
I am happy I made you gigglesnort biggrin
acouple of weeks ago for some reason was playing camera 1 camera 2 in a pub and realized that camera 2 was really fuzzy and i couldnt see anything so i took a trip to the optician the next day,did all the tests including that evil blast of air thing and found out my left eye is abit of a let downblackeyed,apparently ive been...
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I really like the glasses. It's a very good look for you. smile
I knew a couple that backpacked their chiuahuas. They even had little matching goggles and helmets (matching their helmets/goggles!) for them and entered them in the cutest costume contest.
lazy sundays are so good,they always seem to make monday feel slightly better too,washed the bike and as soon as it was sparkly i took it on the look at my shiny bike ride..i dunno why but i have to that after every wash and i have the happy happy smile spread across my face as i do it,simple things please simple minds i guess...
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It was an actual sharpe as hell kitchen knife, not just a prop, so when I got the random idea to wedge the blade between my teeth when she pointed it at me, i thought halfway through "man I hope I don't slice my gums open" lmao. but it turned out to be a great shot so I guess the danger was worth it smile The idea came from my friend Katt and the photographer Sheeanna who is also a friend. Sheeanna has been wanting to do a bloody shoot and since I was coming to Austin to visit Katt volunteered us to do a broken hearts/eat your heart out themed shoot smile
Did you take the cat for a ride after washing it? lol Or is it just not the same as showing off the freshly scrubbed bike (which is quite droolworthy I might add...nom!)

Also, mad jealous of these breads you are baking!
when did corporate buzz words and phrases become more important then knowledge and common sense?eeek,seems like anyone with any kinda clout is just a highly educated but completely detached from the real world simpleton......"lets think outside the box" .....GRRRRRRmadis just high winded waffle that really means...."i dont understand what or how im supposed to be managing really works so to hide my incomptence...
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was asked a question out the blue today which kinda took me by surprise,was asked to stand for vice chairman of my local union branch with the hope of training me up to other things.Ive always been an active member and never been backwards in voicing my opinions but ive never thought of doing more... imo im abit of an arse and way to childish...
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took the old man and acouple of his mates horse racing today,he still cant drive cos of the op he had and i thought it would cheer him up.Went around to his place then drove around getting his friends then took them to Lingfield.I really dont like horse racing as im not too keen on horse's...how can something that big let a tiny little jockey...
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Haha, good horsie. See, not all horses are evil minions. wink
Good to hear your dad is still alive and kicking. smile
Ah, maybe in time he'll find it funny. smile
My knuckles have major trouble holding color. I'm going to need a 3rd touch up on them
had no plans or family stuff to do today which is a first in quite awhile,i did have to get my self insured to drive the old mans motor as he cant drive for a month as he's had an op so i offered to be his driver when he needs it....he has a huge head and i dont have a lid to fit his...
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not very smart today as i nearlly had a head on with a bus,was raining when i finished work and i wanted to get cat food on the way home so i wouldnt have to do it in the morning but as it wasnt raining when i rode to work i didnt wear any water proofs......SO i figured the less time i was riding in...
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Well unfortunately.. if she wants to dismiss it like that, then it is her choice. I'm just thinking that is she had been smaller and weaker (she is a big and strong girl), then he might have succeded. He might succeed with other girls.
Jeez, the world is a fucking creepy place at times.
im not dead!!!!!!!!,just been doing stupidly boring adult shit that is so fucking gloomly it would make a carebear cry..........but on the plus side i just won 345quid playing poker in a shithy eastend pub ANDleft with all my teeth so my fall from social grace has improved my card skills,gonna leave this on a high,had my knee cap tattoo finished and started on myb...
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you are very attractive