took the old man and acouple of his mates horse racing today,he still cant drive cos of the op he had and i thought it would cheer him up.Went around to his place then drove around getting his friends then took them to Lingfield.I really dont like horse racing as im not too keen on horse's...how can something that big let a tiny little jockey...
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Haha, good horsie. See, not all horses are evil minions. wink
Good to hear your dad is still alive and kicking. smile
Ah, maybe in time he'll find it funny. smile
My knuckles have major trouble holding color. I'm going to need a 3rd touch up on them
had no plans or family stuff to do today which is a first in quite awhile,i did have to get my self insured to drive the old mans motor as he cant drive for a month as he's had an op so i offered to be his driver when he needs it....he has a huge head and i dont have a lid to fit his...
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not very smart today as i nearlly had a head on with a bus,was raining when i finished work and i wanted to get cat food on the way home so i wouldnt have to do it in the morning but as it wasnt raining when i rode to work i didnt wear any water proofs......SO i figured the less time i was riding in...
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Well unfortunately.. if she wants to dismiss it like that, then it is her choice. I'm just thinking that is she had been smaller and weaker (she is a big and strong girl), then he might have succeded. He might succeed with other girls.
Jeez, the world is a fucking creepy place at times.
im not dead!!!!!!!!,just been doing stupidly boring adult shit that is so fucking gloomly it would make a carebear cry..........but on the plus side i just won 345quid playing poker in a shithy eastend pub ANDleft with all my teeth so my fall from social grace has improved my card skills,gonna leave this on a high,had my knee cap tattoo finished and started on myb...
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you are very attractive
very wierd day,i was at my dads house and he just out of the blue asks me to buy half his house off him as he wants to move to the west country,his plan being i own half and he gives the other half to my bro and sis when he dies.the thing is the house is huge 5 beds and a masive garden garage...
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well,how was my day...to be honest im not quite sure.bit of back ground first i think,last week my dad was told his stage one prostate cancer is worse then stage 1(stage 1 is "will most likey live" kinda stage) is now classed as probable stage 3 cancer (stage 3 being bend over and kiss your arse goodbye ),for some reason i took this quite well...
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Oh wow that sucks frown
Though it isn't time to bend over and kiss your.. his.. arse goodbye just yet. Don't grieve in advance.
Feeling better, but all the more confused by myself and my body, le sigh.
Hope you are doing okay too *hugs*
first day in ages that the heavens havent opened so decided to ride to brighton and cruise the coast roads to chill out a bit and clear my head,didnt really work but was fun ( and fucking cold!).Really fancy
getting blind drunk but bad mood and aggro juice not a good combination so for once i will listen to the angel on my shoulder and...
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You never really know how good something is until your told its going to end......lifes a bitch i guess
Sounds like you had a shitty day frown *hug*
another day being a captain of industry finished same old shit just the name of the day changes etc etc....one thing i have decided today is that a skinhead and wet weather doesnt mix,eyebrows cant cope with the deludge of water that rolls off your head and into your eyes.Very tempted to try a sweat band,,substance over style for a change
Aw thank you blush
lots of stuff to do but no motivation to do it,i feel the only way to get it started is to turn the lappy off...but i'l finish my coffee and see how i feel then.Why is it when your a kid and you imagine the older you doing cool stuff but always seem to skip over the boring adult stuff....dumb kids
Kids today... *yells at them to get offa my lawn*

Turning off my laptop is probably the hardest thing I do in a day... and that's not a good thing.
Love is indeed a tricky thing..
I am just wondering if say after being married for ten years.. I feel like I'm bound to meet someone new and interesting, but at the same time love whoever I am married to.
Idk, I have a lot of soul searching to do.
I think jealousy in a relationship isn't something caused by love though, that's something caused by insecurity. If you don't trust your partner, of course you'll be jealous and suspicious if he/she comes home later than usual, no?
But yeah..
Maybe I'm the girl that is monogamous the rest of her life, maybe I'm not. I haven't decided yet. Still have looots of thinking to do on this one. shocked
Santa? shocked