So making out is pretty nutty

Its been probably three years since I have gotten any action, and Wendsday night I was the closest I have gotten to any sex in a long time. We were just on my bed while I grabbed at her double D boobs and sling my had past the top of her jeans, a few nibbles on the neck and...
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Its rather amusing to think of how I was a year ago, I was on a road to nowhere. That is not to say I am seriously heading in any direction now, I still need to set up new classes for this semester and I start work tomorrow. The place I work seems to absorb many souls, people who do not want...
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If it can handle Stormwind, then I'll try Orgrimmar. Don't want to overload it on it's first day in the box, now do I??
Has anyone else noticed that the background for SG is still bats and the SG icon in the corner still has a skull face? I like Halloween, but its been a week already.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this long weekend, I completed most of my class work early just so I will be able to relax and get some stuff done while not...
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Well haven't done this in awhile

School and class have been keeping me pretty busy as of late. Plus I have been trying to organize my room and fix my damn graphic card for like a week. Should get some more cleaning done soon, I might post pictures of its cleanliness onces its all done. I keep getting distracted be Veoh.com when I have free...
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Sadly, Nick and I don't know anyone with a video camera, otherwise we probably would record it. Ah well. Production shots will have to suffice.
Time is slipping away again

I have gotten use to working, but I dont really like knowing that. I go to bed around 9 or 10, get up around 6ish and have to be at work at 7:30am. Plus some absurd part of me thought going back to school would be a good idea so I am taking two classes at a local community college....
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Well needless to say Im doing a little better now

I never deal with pets passing away very well, and I probally never will. Life just keeps going on and you cant really let grief control you to much or you just get left in the dust.

I am very slowly getting use to my current job, its become pretty automatic and its not really...
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I dont even know how to start this...

I found one of our pet cats this morning... he died during the night...

He has been sick for awhiel but we were medicating him... it looks like it wasnt working, so I thought yesterday after trying to get him to eat or drink that I would try to get him to the vet today... I shoudl...
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pfffftttt.... be a loner.....just know you were wanted
Pretty much. It bothers me to no end that Rhode Island still celebrates Victory over Japan Day. I've gotten all sorts of opposition on the issue, including, "Aren't you from Hawaii? Don't you care about Pearl Harbor?!" and, "Well, we have Veterans' Day. Would you want us not to celebrate that?"


When I told my mom and her boyfriend about it (BOTH Vietnam vets living in Hawaii, BTW), their response was, "V-J Day is still legal?"

For the record, while we do have Pearl Harbor Day in Hawaii as as a memorial for those that died, the equivalent we have to V-J Day is that every grammar school class folds 1000 paper cranes in memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Also, the manager of the Foxy Lady told my roommate that he never eats Chinese takeout on V-J Day, to show his respect.

WTF. I'm in a state full of retards. puke
Did some scouring and found a direct link to the video I watched, I hope other's will put aside some time to watch this too

Zeitgeist biggrin


It feels like I've have blind for so long
Wondering why it all feels so wrong
Wondering why it all feels so cold
Why dont we watch the clouds anymore?
Why dont we climb the tree's?
Does this...
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really?? the drive Bii???for me it was a toss up between


Like Alice?With the "lepre marzolina"and "cappellaio matto"

For anyone that reads these...

You might notice that I think about alot of stuff sometimes

This kind of lifestyle we live in feels so closed off from everything, yet no one seems to do anything about it. We are all human and we are all on this planet together, yet we are in a endless loop of sorts, where we always end up killing...
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In less then 5 hours I will have been alive for 27 years (July 7th, 5:33am).

...its strange how I don't really feel anything anymore on this day. I know once I was always happy it was coming, and knew I would get lots of presents and cake and ice cream.

Now its simply another day to me for the most part, I have no...
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Happy Birthday, 27 is a big year none of these people made it past it

Dave Alexander from The Stooges
D. Boon from The Minutemen
John Wilkes Booth
Kurt Cobain
Peter Ham from Badfinger
Jimi Hendrix
Joseph Merrick (The Elephant Man)
Brian Jones from The Rolling Stones
Janis Joplin
Reggie Lewis from Boston Celtics
Jim Morrison

Happy Birthday!

Your life is yours to control. If you believe that your birthday was overshadowed by another event, then it was. It you believe your birthday was another step along the path of your ever improving life - then it is.

Life is unpredictable, so enjoy every moment you have. Talk to people, make friends - get out there and live (as always, easier said than done).

PS - stay away from 140 proof rum ARRR!!!
I feel like im slipping...

Ive realize that I have no one to talk to anymore, that all my old friends are gone, and that I am always alone.

I cannot say I am a smart person, but I think about alot of things happening in the world what seems like all the time. I don't really know how much longer I can pretend Im...
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Happy birthday, hon! Figured I'd pop in now and tell ya, since I'll be away all day tomorrow.

Be sure to do something nice for yourself! ^_^
Again time has slipped past me so quickly.

Working is a huge drag for me, I need an interesting job I guess, not machine work at a factory...
My mind drifts constantly when Im there because the work is so dull. But its a paycheck at the very least, though there are alot of strange people who work there.

I still think alot about what...
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