Have you heard Gizmachi yet?

Jesus.... waited a long time for something this good....

blush no...what's that?
Pretty good weekend.... though seems to go to fast these day....

Went to see Hitchhikers Guide... not as good as I had hoped but not bad either.... Great trailer for Batman Begins though!

Got in a good run today... little over three miles.... I can really feel not running last week though... so still on track for the marathon...

Had to buy a new cell...
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Hello Everyone!

Back from the NYC....

Love that place though I am sorry to have missed the SG fashion show.... got in to late....

Times Square was awesome was in a hotel right in the middle of it.... very sweet... love all the tall NY girls... damn must be something in that water... very nice...

Got to see two shows while I was there...

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eeek haven't seen you around in a LONG time! glad to hear you had a nice trip!!!
Hello Everyone!

Well it is has been a good weekend.
First part was at the Machine Gun Shoot in KY, great times.
I apologize to anyone one who came to the Shoot and did not get to shoot the Jungle Walk. We flooded and were ready to go but higher powers overruled. Did reconnect with some great people and the Brits made it back! Awesome......
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I loved SIn City so much. Unfortunately the person I saw it with was less than thrilled. I think I may go back to seeing movies alone. frown

So you are in New York now I take it? Hope you are having a great trip.
Well I have been home sick for the past two days....
And was looking on here and saw how neglectful I have been... I guess it just got away from me... so sorry to everyone it was not my intention to ignore anyone.... hope everyone is doing well....

Well back to hacking my lungs up!


I know what you mean. I was gone for a while and now I feel like there is so much I have missed. Still responding to posts from a month ago.

Hope you are feeling better. smile
How is everyone?
Have not posted in almost a month....
Hope everyone is doing well....
Will post more later....
eeek ...and where have you been?
Relatively well. A little tired. Underworked. Overlyproductive. Can't sleep. Fairly content in spite of those things.

Hope you are well too.
you there?
miss you...
your voice is the sweetest bread....
your laugh the air of my breath....
your smile is the sun..
it gives life to my world...
your kiss the wine of my salvation...
your skin the only country I ever want to call home...
I want to drink the water from you valley....
it is the sweetest.... i taste your youth... it gives...
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yeah it was excellent. I will have to pick up the rest. Heh, almost missed your post it was to one of my older journals.
You ever read any of Joel Rosenberg's books? The Gaurdians of the Flame books are pretty good, particularly the last few he has written.

[Edited on Jan 24, 2005 7:28PM]
As usual, just stopping by because I can. kiss
My final offering for the year.... I hope everyone enjoys...

The New Years Prayer
by Loiosh

Once more these things come to pass
This silent vertigo spins on
We pay our respects to the sun
The moon she moves across the sky
Making us feel less alone

In my last meeting with the sun
It would seem that all light was fading
But all of...
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nothing fun to do inside either...when your alone anyways! whatever so how are ya stranger? haven't heard from you in awhile! smile
So I got a Barnes & Noble gift Card for Christmas. Picked up the first Black Company book. Have not started it yet, have to finish Fool's Fate, the final book in Robin Hobb's Tawny Man series first. (a great series by the way but since it follows 2 pevious trilogies you would want to start with the Farseer trilogy and then read The Liveship Traders trilogy first) Anyway I will let you know what I think once I start on it. Hope the New Year is treating you well.
Hmmm this has been a most interesting week as it comes to a close... these coming two weeks are short one thank the heavens...
One girl lost... one found on the web... though I know nothing can ever come it she has fascinated and taken my complete attention... which is weird for me.... usually dont take to people to quick... she sent me her photo......
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Thanks so much for the nice comment you left on my set!!! kiss kiss

Good luck with the girl!
hey you! what's up? just makin' sure your OK!!! biggrin Have a happy new year!!!
Why do Migranes always wait until you day off... jesus that hurt.... but it is slowly starting to fade now.... what is the best thing about pain? let's you know you are still alive... in that case I am the most alive motherfucker on the planet this weekend! Getting hit on all levels physical, emotional and spiritual... who am I kidding so many people have...
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feel better! frown
aah fuck migranes are hell frown ,thanks for the welcome..hope you will feel better soon kiss