I've been in a productive mood as of late, and still MeNotYou took me to task for not getting off my ass and making movies. I must make a flyer today for auditions.

Things have been eerily quiet in my life.

It's a little sad, a little necessary, and quite peaceful refreshing, all at once.
The quiet is good...we'll get more accomplished.

If you haven't already done the flier by the time I get home, everything else will be dropped until you finish it. I'm gonna look for places we can do the casting now.

We'll set the audition date for August 7th.
Yeah, I was suddenly left with a LOT of free time ... and didnt know what to do at first. Now I am trying to enjoy it while I got it!

Be well
I hate being flustered. I can't manage a concrete constructive thought. Just horribly distracted, indecisive, uncertain.

Means of communicating. Lack of trust. Wow, my profile pic is bad.

Watching Gilmore Girls, almost done with the first season. Did I say I can't manage my train of thought? I keep returning to stupid moments. There's some sort of sign I'm trying to focus on. Something said...
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You need a V8
I agree with fancyketchup.

You need a V8 something fierce.
I'm getting drunk off my ass tonight. Going away party for a friend. But the night will also fall between the 2 year anniversary of me being in Houston, and come midnight, the 2 year anniversary of my dad's death. I plan to salud till good times, sickness, insight and epiphany take hold of that wounded core i call my heart.
Did you make it through the drinking and insight?
i have no energy. i have no ambition. i have no desire.

i can make due without until i can no more.
Posing. Posturing. Looking. Tasting. Feeling. Sometimes my virginal bunghole yearns for the love of foot long shaft. Pain is my friend...I've always wondered how the stretching on my inexperienced depths would affect my emotional status. Drunk and numb I anticipate the burning. I whore myself to the masses...gaining personal worth through your perspectives. Attention is me self esteeem.

I got the clap from some trick...
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oh link, when i found out those words were yours my heart skipped a beat! do you really feel that way? i think i have some body paint here we could utilize...emmmm....
did i mention it was edible body paint???
Tell me about something great that's happened to you recently.

I honestly can't think of anything.
Okay. I'm Jay. So let me think here. Great. Happened to me. I woke up. My head was wrapped in duct tape. I could breathe. Just barely. Luckily I was bald, and well shorn. Pulling the stick from my face hurt not at all. But I was left with a film, that pulled strata from the air to my skull. I was like the sun. And the satellites stuck to my fucking face. I was late for work. Beads of water from the shower were like a beard of sweat. Always clinging, never leaving. Where to go from here. I hate my life. I hate my roomate. I won't even mention my pubic area.
Wow. Boring day. Need to be less bored, more enthusiastic and entertained. Need to try and make people happy. In a way, I will be perfectly content just to see the rain come down all week long.
I hope the rest of the week is not as shitty as today is. Whew. This could be a rough day going on a rough week, I just know it. Starting with work, emotional confusion, and just general hijinks. Way to be linky. Way to be.

There are many bright lights and many tunnels. So no real bitching, kay MeNotYou?

I am going to...
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Your roomate has problems and I think we should have an intervention. His butt play fetish is starting to get out of hand.
hope things are looking up
Life is full of confusing at this point and juncture. God, when are things ever easy and make just a lick of sense. Too many plates in the error. To air on the path of the righteous. I should stop thinking too much and start feeling too much. Looking a damned gift magi in the mouth.
You complain too damn much.

I swear...things are really good for you right now. Bitch when things are bad....not good.