I've been reading alot of sabin baring gould's works lately. Still my fav would have to be the book of werewolves. Most of his writings are reminiscent to me of older hungary and romania. *love or hate will remain dominant in a breast which has been in serenity. Till suddenly the spark falls passion blazes forth and the quiet serenity of the breast is shattered...
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Spared an ear for Katatonia yet? eeek
I thought about putting my friends obituary on here but decided against it. Things here have still been up in the air as of late. My friends and I got together yesterday just to hang out since we hadn't done anything together in sometime. We ended up drinking absinthe and Crown and just playing video games, while we listened to NIN. confused
Things have gotten monotonous...
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I completely agree. %1000. The monotiny is killing me. I think need to spontaneously move to Germany. eeek
The doctors told us and my friends family that there's nothing left that they can do for him. Due to his constant seizures and lack of oxygen to his brain he has become braindead. The doctors have told his mother that she has the option to shut him off and let him rest in peace. It seems that is what she plans to do... My...
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Sorry about the delay, man. I've been really busy with work and other stuff over the weekend. I did listen to a Bathory song ("Armageddon"). It was all right, all I managed to download/find. Being on 56k certainly has its disadvantages. I'll see if I can't find some more of their stuff later tonight. I don't think the previous song was much of a representation of the majority of their stuff, as it seems. blackeyed
I didn't think it was possible but the week has managed to actually get worse. My friends condition continues to worsen more and more each day. His family is torn apart just as though another hurricane katrina had hit. I saw him in the hospital the other day... He didn't look like the best friend that I grew up with. I don't know if any...
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My depression continues to linger into this next week.. whatever. Hmm even the alcohol isn't working *whats up with that*. Other then that the week has been awful for other reasons. I found a new occult book that I want but due to the price I can't afford and to top it off my best friend is in the Local ICU due to an enlarged...
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Thanks for the recommendation. I'll put Blood on Ice on my list too. I've never felt Cradle of Filth though, to say the least. Have you heard of Opeth?

I don't live in the southern part of AR. I live in the NE area. You can see Jonesboro on the SGAR community profile pic if you want to. Still that's a long haul though, probably more money spent on gas than money saved on discount. tongue

I don't have Yahoo, but I do have AIM, MSN, and GoogleTalk. Lemme know if you got any of those.
The past week has been one of the harder one's that I have had in a while so I decided to hit amazon.com and pic up a few cd's to bring me out of my slump. The cure, cruxshadows, beborn beton, midnight syndicate, london after midnight, and various others. Hopefully I can drown myself in music for a few days and take away this depression....
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I love the Cure. Which album did you get?
I have Kiss Me, Head on the Door, Disintegration, The Cure, and Bloodflowers. Sorry about the depression, man. I think it's the weather lately, although it is nice, I must admit.

Take a look into the SGArkansas group if you want and say hi. We could use a few new faces. biggrin

You should post a pic of your new tattoo. I'd love to see it.
Well I got my new painting in today and I couldn't be happier with it. Everything on the shipping and what not went smoothly and there were a few extras that I wasn't expecting but eh thats cool too. biggrin
I got a new tattoo friday and the thing is already itching like crazy... The stupid lotion that they want me to put on it hurts more when applied then getting the tattoo. I don't mind the pain that much though. One of my dear friends decided to finally get married he and his fiance plan on doing it around january or february. I also...
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This is my first day (as a member) on this site.. I have to say its pretty fucking awesome to get the chance to see beautiful women like this.. Hopefully signing up here will award me a chance to chat/contact someone with similar interests to my own... skull I look forward to it.