Started working on some film stuff this week which is cool. Everyone at the production office was diggin' my new tat. I'm off tom. think I'll learn to skateboard.......
Last night my roomie and I stepped out for pizza when the following occurred:
"Hey, Cammie, you got your keys, right?"
"uh...no, I thought you did"
I had to sleep on the most god aweful couch, woke to go to a new job looking like shit and on the way home saw the fucking hotest little punk boy, love so hot and gave him...
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I just moved to NY in October and it's been a little hard, I miss my friends and my tattoo artist. I got a new one yesturday, which makes me so happy but so sad because tats are so FUCKING EXPENSIVE HERE! Holy shit! Now that I gots the internet, life is better.

All my girlfriends that I used to get into trouble with all...
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welcome to ny, and more specifically, brooklyn! smile

this place can be the busiest and loneliest place simultaneously...and it takes some adjustment...but you'll grow to love it.. .or hate it. ha
i like your fantasy comment......isn't it a shame that people don't pay attention.....they just want to shop and worry about mowing the grass........i haven't had good cheesecake in a while......who has the best?