the good news is that i have less than 15 days until i will return to the states.

the bad news is that i have less than 15 days until i return to the states.

i just want to get out of here!!!

more good news is that i am half way through my class, and my grades are perfect. go me. i see my...
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yes i am... fucker...
no pictures equals crap blogging. take notes, i'll school. smile
i am finally finished with the stupid class i have been tortured by for the past five and a half weeks. finally! tomorrow, i begin visual indications. i have already reviewed the assignments that are due for the whole course, and it's really easy. this week, i have to draw shapes (yawn). next week, i have to draw a still life of shapes (double yawn)....
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Moving up in the world just before you leave. You go with your bad-ass internet! I hated going to fucking internet cafe thingies in Iraq. It was like punishment for going into the FOB. I hated that shit.
so, SG sent me an exciting email today, and i started the rest of the application. this is so thrilling!!! go me....
Go leannie !!
i did it.

i finally applied to be a suicide girl.....

let's hope i make it.
word, what app pics did you use?
Soooo.....some of you might be wondering about my last post.....it's dated for thursday, but i wrote that it was friday- which it was in afghanistani. when i write in the morning here, it's still night back in the states. i thought i would just clarify that for any of you that thought maybe i am dumb and don't know what day of the week it...
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today is friday. it's like any other day to us here on deployment. tonight, i will go to sleep early only to wake up early and begin another day of work. how un-exciting.

HOWEVER (and i must capitalize it to create emphasis), i only have a couple of more fridays like this, and then it will be back to the fridays i am use too-...
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i added a lot of new pictures today....check them out...
Two more days left of the month of April, and then it's MAYYYYY !!!!

I'm days away from being back in the states. I'm so exciting to returning to normality, you have no idea. Unless of course, you've been deployed before, then you completely know how I feel.

It's not that this place is bad. I definently had a nice deployment. It's just that I...
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Yay! When will you be home and where is home?

How weird is this: I had a dream last night and you were in it... I have officially been deployed too long when I dream about total fucking strangers... But, hey, you were really nice, so that's cool, I guess.
I am deployed right now. I am in Barranquilla Colombia, but I am stationed in Virginia Beach. We're neighbors!

Where are you in NC? Bragg?

Yeah, the dream thing was friggin' trippy. No idea how that shit happened, but it was nice, I guess. wink
one week has passed by quickly yet again. i kept thinking it was friday today. i am having trouble keeping track of time lately.

this past week, i went out and about the country of afghanistan, and i must say, it was stunning. i was in such a beautiful part of the country. i didn't even realize that afghanistan could be beautiful. it felt so...
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Come home. We miss you. smile
it's april 5th, 2001. april is going by fast. i know it's only been five days, but they have been five quick days. like, whoa! this is already over, quick. which means i will be back in the states soon.

so, this is what i have been up to lately, if you care to know. whoever you are.....

*researching knitting
*researching embroidery
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yup on the military group.. not many of you girls on here so when i see one it always sparks my curiousity

it's the last week of march, and, then, hooray! it's april. that means we will enter our last full month in this country. sometime in may, our replacements should arrive, and then it's back to the states. hopefully forever. the only time i want to leave the states is if i choose to go on holiday. my time here hasn't been bad, but it's hard...
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It's just as boring outside the wire, excepting the chance to be blown to pieces, which has it's ups and downs. blush
just letting you know you're totally adorable...

if you ever need a pen pal hit me uppp