It's Saturday! The day which seems to be becoming my official blog day.

It's been a strange week, it's been one of those weeks where you wonder to yourself if the life you are living is the one you that was meant for you? I am in no way writing this is in a whiney emo sort of way, I am super grateful for everything...
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Awesome stately hope you both enjoy ur evening and rest of your weekend!!
most people don't really know what they want to be when they grow up until they at least get into their teens, you worked hard to get to where you are at and you should be very happy with yourself for getting there, just keep up the good work.

So does A and B still talk? If you ever ran into A would you say hi to her?

I hope you have a good week.
thank you, it took a lot of work! well don't say that, i bet if you work hard at it you will buy a house one day, just don't give up on that smile

i'm glad you are getting to go down a path you want to go down, keep up the good work.
why, what happened? apart from it being tedious and irritating, obviously. x
It's fantastic stuff, it's just like the stuff inside Tunnocks Teacakes.

smile smile smile smile smile
can't wait to see more of your photos x
It's Saturday and again, I am home alone during the day. Only this time I am no longer sat in my tiny one bed apartment in the city centre, this time I write to you from my 2 bedroom terraced house in suburbia! Yes that is correct, we are finally all moved, complete with TV and internet (it was a long week without it!) This...
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congratulations, i'm glad you are moved and loving your new home.

Good luck on getting the studio put together.

I have a lot of plans for next year, lets see if I can pull off at least half of them.

I love halloween.
Home alone on a Sunday morning. There are many, many things I should be doing with my time today but not really much I can do until the boy gets home.

We're moving this week, so not only will we not have the internet for a while but I really, really can't believe I am doing this again. I hate moving so much, it's not...
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Yeah I agree, moving is hell. Still soon enough you'll be happy with the extra space. We're gonna have to try to sell or rent our little flat and upgrade to a house. Stressful. robot

If I lived close to you I would have helped you move. biggrin

smile smile smile smile smile
i'm sorry you have to move, but I hope the move goes well, I think living in a house is amazing I hope you like it as much as I do.

I know how you feel, this has been a tuff year in a lot of ways, we all need to get this stuff off of our chests from time to time, so don't feel bad about it. Around here wedding photography is big business, I know a girl who gets $2,500 for one wedding and I know of some that ask for even more.

I hope you find a job that pays well and that you like, I hope everything in life turns around.
wow those are beautiful photos and beautiful women.
Helloooooooooo Ladies. wink

smile smile smile smile smile
that is wonderful, i'm really happy for you!
Nicely done lady.

smile smile smile smile smile
It's been another awesome weekend. Weekends with my boy are always the best.

We're currently figuring out the best place to move, a spanner has been thrown in the works again as it usually does in the life of LauraLily. I have an interview for a super awesome job on thursday, the biggest one I've ever had, if I get this I will have officially...
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I don't think this is the right place to post that, you'll not find anyone on here into tattoos or ladies, let alone tattooed ladies. tongue

smile smile smile smile smile
i'm glad you had a great weekend with your boyfriend.

I hope the job interview went amazing! What is the job? I just wish I could find a photography job. I'm glad everything is going so well for you.
Hope your eyes are ok. smile
I hope everything goes ok with your eye! Why are you being evicted?

Being loved is the most important thing.