Like so many people, I feel my life is missing something bigger. I feel as if I do nothing more than contribute to a consumer culture than I am less than a fan of. I sell disposable crap to people who'll forget they bought it a month from now. Isn't there anything with any permanence anymore? What happened to the experience? Why are people substituting...
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Everytime I get those feelings(which are more and more often as I get older) I throw a dart at the map. Going to the place and learning something new about it and myself help me understand life in a different way. Good luck on your search.
Thanks. I have come to realize I need to find a distraction. I've got plenty at my disposal herein Maine. I've just got to get up, stop being a whiner and get to it. Thanks for reinforcing that thought.
I'm thinking about opening a food truck. Specifically a fish taco food truck. Three major problems arise. I don't have the money t o do it. I've know nothing about running a food truck. I've never made fish tacos. With that in mind I'm starting some research. I'm being told fish tacos are not a New England thing despite the abundance of fresh seafood.
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So my last post was over 2 years ago. Audrey and I celebrated our three year anniversary this week. Crazy to think in three years we welcomed a daughter, Audrey graduated with her PhD and we moved to Maine. Portland is really great and we're settling in pretty well but I'm still struggling finding satisfying work. IKEA was such a great company to work for...
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So my last blog was over a year ago. I was just about to go to my 20 year HS reunion. I did and it was what you might expect. I hadn't seen any of these people in 20 years. It was fun but awkward. Afterwards my best friend, her husband and I hung out and talked for a while. It was nice.

A month...
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It's been a while. What's up? Traveling a lot. It's fun to load up my dog and hit the road. I'm reconnecting with old friends and family and meeting new people along the way. Speaking of old friends my 20 year HS reunion is Saturday. Did I really graduate 20 years ago? Crazy! I'm really not that old. Am I?
I got a big bunch of nothing to say today but I feel like I should be saying something. So what's going on? I'm dating a really great chick but I don't see anything long term in it. Her life is really complicated and that's not what I'm looking for at all. I like to keep my life simple. So I'm on a couple of...
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I really wish Chowder was on. Is anyone watching this show? It's amazing! So friggin 'funny and creative. I really don't watch much TV. There's nothing original or creative on anymore. Survivor and American Idol were the death of good television. How many of these retarded reality shows do we need? If you want reality, turn your TV off, leave your home and live your...
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As football season comes down to it's final three games of the season I look ahead baseball season. I eagerly await the green grass, the smell of hot dogs and peanuts and an icy cold beer in my hand. I'll miss living in a city with an MLB team but I can road trip to ATL if I want. I've got a trip planned to...
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I'm feeling pretty lucky these days. I'm just getting over a pretty rough period. If you know what it's like to hear a song and have your heart drop then you know how I was feeling. Only with me it was 95% of the music I listen to. I can now smile when I hear those songs and remember what a great life we had...
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I know that feeling very well.
Congrats on fighting through it and moving forward. smile
"Be the person you want to be." Are you willing to give up everything you've known as your life to live the life you want to? I did. I didn't expect to give up quite as much as I did but I knew I was losing a lot. "It's not until we lose everything that we are free to do anything." I'm much closer to...
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thank you for the haiku! smile
your journal is so true.
You are welcome. You look great as always. If you're on facebook check out my haiku group Haiku Zoo. Yeah, 2008 was a tough year. I learned a lot about myself and what is really important in my life. Thanks.
Being sick sucks. It's been two days now. I'll be fine by tonight. Gotta Barcathlon to go to! Too fun!