I've been meaning to do some writing but I just can't seem to get anything done. I feel kind of sapped. Nothing really inspires me lately. I get some good ideas, but I just can't keep it going long enough to get anything on paper. I'm writing the ideas down just so I have something to come back too. I'm going to have to get...
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Oh, thank you SO much for your comment on my set Before the World Was Made. I'm so glad you like it! It means a lot!!!
Thanks for the lovely comment on y blog - and I know what you mean about being a frustrated writer. I'm not very patient when it comes to waiting for inspiration either...
After having no running water for about a week due to global warming I'm finally back in business.
yep last wk it was 32 in Anchorage and 24 in Atlanta smile
thanks. smile
I really need to get another dirty story written, but I've been so damned busy lately. It seems like I'm always on the go. The few times I am at home I just want to veg out in front of the tv watching old episodes of Star Trek on dvd or curl up with a book.

I'm going to get that story written though.
Good luck writing! It's SO hard to get something down when you're not inspired! and I've tried the roommate route before, but it's just not plausible while I have my current job - the roommate would have to pay for most of the mortgage. frown I think my best option is to just get it sold/rented to someone else. I'll figure something out!
I've been feeling so weird lately. Kind of lonely, kind of nostalgic, kind of up and down. I've had good times for the most part, but...something is missing. I don't know what. Is it sad that the only type of romantic relationship I really care to have is a purely sexual one? I can't explain it. I just don't have the patience for playing games....
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"And THAT is why I carry a gun and pepper spray"

Last night I went out to a bar with some friends. I was celebrating my birthday which passed on the 15th. Knowing that I had every intention of becoming completely sauced I left my carry gun in a safe place and carried my Fox Labs pepper spray.

It was a fun night, even if...
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its always good to be prepared
Frustrated...in so many ways. Oh, well. Life goes on and I am capable of patience...just need to vent a little.
happy birthday
My Thanksgiving weekend was a lot of fun. I was off for four days, and I tried to enjoy every minute of it.

Wednesday after work I went to a friends only Thanksgiving dinner. It actually turned into a friends and family thing, but it was nice to get together with everyone. Thursday I didn't do much. I worked on a trail I am cutting...
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I love that coat!
Happy Birthday! biggrin
From time to time i like to write dirty stories. I won't say I'm great at it, but I enjoy it and I think other people have enjoyed reading them. I think I'm going to write a few and post in the dirty story group and see what people think. I've always enjoyed writing, and this will be one more way to practice.
I had my first formal firearms training yesterday. I took an NRA Basic Pistol First Steps class. I was very impressed with the class and definitely will be taking more classes in the future. I go into some detail about the class on my blog here.
I'm awash in memories right now. Bittersweet memories. Thank you iPod gods for giving me Dido and Nora Jones back to back. Of course, I never had to put them on my iPod in the first place, and I could have skipped over them. I guess I knew what I was doing. I wanted to remember. Maybe I was hoping one day they'd play and...
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I think I've done the same thing before. Not with music, but the same concept. This website for example. I never really understood the point of private journals. I guess maybe just to get thoughts out of your head, but it seems you would want input from outsiders. Your camping trip looked like a good time. I would've totally spied on the couple hooking up too! blush My sister took my tent and I never got it back. Bitch. I never ate steak when I went camping... We had junk food for obvious reasons. wink
I did a little shooting today, mostly testing the .45 Auto Pow'R Ball +P ammunition. Check it here.
sounds like fun
Thanks for the comment on my new set!