soo happy for a weekend., playing with the dogs and relaxing while catching up on Orphan Black is definitely what I needed after the last week.


soo happy for a weekend., playing with the dogs and relaxing while catching up on Orphan Black is definitely what I needed after the last week.


soo happy for a weekend., playing with the dogs and relaxing while catching up on Orphan Black is definitely what I needed after the last week.


oi. not sure the overtime is worth the money.... especially since i feel like i'm doing their work for them to a point when i'm supposed to be helping.... >_>


Been too long since i've been on here. Going to make a point ti get on here more regularly. My grandma just had a meltdown. Awesome. I guess it has been happening more and more lately, I just haven't been seeing it much or been needing to deal with it. Guess she's freaking out that her memory is going, which it is, and she is...
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Wow!  That's gotta be rough!  :(
yea, it's pretty sucky. I would put money down that she is having the onset of Alzheimer's or Dementia, but attempting to get her tested for those is a whole set of issues I don't want to deal and I know she won't do it anyway. Even though the sooner it gets caught the better you are for a longer time. Especially with some of the drug protocols they have these days to help people with them. 

I'm working on not saying anything when nothing good is going to be coming out of my mouth. Like calling someone an idiot for their opinion..... I's really hard some times. I mean really, really hard.............


new tat is mostly healed and already planning the next ones. i think i might get a conch piercing too in my right ear.....


got the new tattoo yesterday!!!! can't wait for it to heal up!


not sure who got more attention on Pax's walkie. Him for being a small pony and pretty, me and my awesome hat, or the two of us together. lol either way, we got a lot of looks.


Getting started in the new year right with a Dr visit for me and a Vet visit for Kiva............ o_O oi


Getting started in the new year right with a Dr visit for me and a Vet visit for Kiva............ o_O oi


Well murdered Turkey Day wasn't bad. got to hang out with some awesome people and relax a bit. I'm also enjoying the extra days off work and NOT thinking about the hell that shall await my person upon return to the clinic on Monday............ *shudders*

yes they can!! 
my dog is loving all the extra time with me.