For a while, about 10 years ago, I lived in a two-man tent set up on a concrete pad. Everything I owned was in the tent or in my truck.

The concrete pad was in southwest Texas, under the high tin roof of an old truck repair depot. The concrete was open air all the way around, with the roof about 25 feet above the...
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I have a 10 day-old baby, so my wife and I didn't go anywhere for Thanksgiving. Instead everyone came to us. My parents and my wife's parents are out of the country, so the guests were mostly friends instead of realatives. It occured to me while I was sitting there -- we all got freakin' old when no one was paying attention. Some would rejoice...
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My most meaningful tattoo is a dot on my leg made by a ballpoint pen.

A good friend of mine died about fifteen years ago. We were best friends in middle school, he moved away when his mom got remarried. Faced with trying to fit in, he started doing crazy things. One night he drank too much and "borrowed" his stepfather's car for fun. While...
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this is an amazing story.. and hits home alot for me.

thats awesome that that dot is still there.

good luck getting better.
sometimes i have these moments where i sit back and things lay themselves out for me all neat and proper, like the first day of school outfit. So was it coincidence (sp?) or was it a sign. Was that your friends way of saying 'be careful out there', or the universe not wanting to take away your good memory or your friend. Or was it all by chance that what gets left to stay is that little blue dot.

either way... be careful out there.. and try to avoid those dumb soccer moms in there SUV's... i cant tell you how many times Ive almost had those bitches plow right into me.. well.. actually Ive noticed most rich people in general dont seem to give a shit about those of us out on motorcycles.. but then again.. Im sure you already knew this.

feel better.

Work . . . is . . . boring . . . today.

So boring, in fact, that I have been wasting time all morning on the net. That needs to stop, but I fear I am becoming an internet addict. Can you be addicted to the internet, or is it just that I'm addicted to screwing around?

its called 'youre a lazy ass slacker who has a problem with procrastination' ... i think thats the tech term, but ya know.. theres room for error. hahaha.. wink kiss
So the treatment was sold! This is a story of how ridiculous publishing is, and how good karma comes back for you. Here goes:

In 1999 I was working on a project in Palm Beach County, Florida. As part of that project, I had to go interview some people at the county jail.

As I walked in, a woman was standing by the front door...
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So it looks like I may have sold a manuscript treatment. Hooray!!!!!
The sound of one hand clapping . . . .

That is what I hear in my head these days. Work is a bit mind-numbing. Home life is the same. I am sleeping more than I should and haven't had a work out in about a month.

I need to snap out of this funk somehow. I am going to give it the old college...
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I am leaving a job and starting a new job (doing the exact same thing). I will confess that a number of times during the day I tend to log onto various internet sites. Today, however, I was busting my ass trying to get stuff done so I can leave on Friday with a clean conscience.

I logged onto gmail to get my mail, and...
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So I moved to NC about two years ago, and I still can't seem to fit in here. I thought it wouldn't be a problem - no one in the triangle is actually *from* the triangle, so I thought there'd be plenty of diversity. Unfortunately, I work in Raleigh, and the Raleigh native is a different kind of animal. The men are sort of an...
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