T-minus 1.5 days until I'm done with the current shit job and can start Pokemon! Woo biggrin

Plus the weather is so amazing out that words cannot describe how happy I am.

Last night I had one fantastic date! Met this girl and it turns out we have a ton in common, especially music. Anyone who professes to loves the Melvins and saw them, along...
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Yay!!! That's so great!!! biggrin When are you coming to make me lasagna?!?! tonguewink

Things are continuing to go well for me!! We're heading out for the weekend!!!! biggrin

Have a great day! kiss
Hey folks, it's fucking monday!

Hopefully you're gettin' some.

T-minus 4 days until I get outta hell and hit the weekend. I'm thinking that it's going to be an all-bar weekend. Any thoughts? Gotta celeberate the freedom!

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is a movie that everyone should see. And then grab some torches, pitchforks and hunt down Kenneth Lay and Jeffery Skilling...
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I have a new job!

Yesterday I called in "sick" to go interview with Pokemon. When I left there wasn't a solid yes or no so I was a bit frustrated and down.

A few hours later, though, I got the magic call! They want me to start on April 24th, which will probably piss off the place I'm currently at...but fuck 'em. I don't...
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and those are cool links...but better books than what?
haha yeah
and the only reason i even bought it was because of Joe Dallesandro..i have a bit of an obsession shocked
Time does fly by.

Made my appointment and dropped a deposit on getting my first tattoo. I'm going for a 1/2 sleeve -- all shoulder and part of my upper arm, ending right below where a short sleeve shirt would end. The design follows traditional Japanese Yakuza patterns biggrin

Since the three session (at $150 / hr for 4 hours each) will be a bundle, I...
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Oh my gosh -- I'm all excited for you with the tattoo. I've been plotting mine out for years now. If you're going to NY Adorned, tell Louis I said hi!

Yeah we really should meet up sometime when we're not disturbingly busy. I think we live right by each other.
Awesome!! I can't wait to see it!! smile

I hope the dates go well! *crosses fingers*

Yeah, so let's see what's been going on.

Once again I become single. Mostly by my choice and this continues me finding girls that have problems with forming any kind of relationship whatsoever. I think I draw 'em in like I use to draw in suicidal, institutionalized girls.

Currently listening to Autopilot Off, who I had hoped someone would throw up on Easynews and...
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thanks for all of those recipessmile
was it me or were the last three photo sets terribly blurry and shot on lower-end digital? maybe it's my eyes again....

Hmm, what's new to report? Last week I interviewed at Pokemon USA -- which would be pretty damn cool working for. This week I'm flying home to interview with a company that's in the north part of Chicago. While the notion of moving...
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You are a cutie! love
For a second I seriously thought you said -- Happy Birthday Ma'am.. smile

Last night was a pretty solid show at the Bowery Ballroom:

The Datsuns
The Hellacopters


This was the first time for me at the Ballroom and it wasn't that bad of a joint. One thing I have to say is how clean all of the places have been in NYC -- most of the joints I saw shows at in Chicago were dumps, so...
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I do so love having a wireless laptop -- nothing better aids in my burgoining ADD! Currently I'm watching the end of Cinderella Man -- which is pretty good but not enough to keep my rapt attention.

This seems to be something that I've been running into as of late and I'm not too sure what the cause is. Normally I can stay focused but...
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Congrats on Empire Magazine -- I can now say I know a celebrity. wink

Not going to the Hellacopters show. Honestly didn't even know about it. Can't say I've really heard any of their stuff, but what I've heard I like. I just scribbled their name down on my list of cds to buy.

Can't deal with the Datsuns at all. There's just something very phoney about them that I can't quite put my finger on. I thought they took worse opening band of the year honors in 2005 when they opened for the Pixies and smashed their instruments rock star style. Not a fan.
So I just finished up watching the Exorcism of Emily Rose and have to say that I'm kinda freaked out.

The movie itself is solid that left me thinking about many things -- as any movie with a religious bent to it. It's a problem that I run into since I use to be a bit religious before losing faith. In pretty much everything, including...
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That movie TOTALLY creeped me out!! eeek I get a little freaked out when it comes to stuff like that!

Lost is my new obsession....after just one episode!!! shocked
Free time! or at least a few minutes before starting the daily rush.

So, Babbo rocked. Expensive (dinner for two = $250) but fantastic and worth the money. Service was top-notch without being kiss-ass and the food...good lord the food was mindblowing. One of the best dishes was this grilled octopus app that had both me and my date going into orgasm mode biggrin

That was...
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I was abducted by aliens this weekend.

Which is the final conclusion I came to when trying to figure out what exactly happened to the extra free day! Damn..

Tomorrow is dinner at the famed Babbo Restaurant! Might I get lucky and catch Mario cooking?

Friday kicks off the ever expanding New York Comicon and it looks like I got comped a free three day...
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I saw Bad Brains (minus HR and with the dude from the CroMags on Friday). They were actually pretty good.