Kurt sighed eloquently as his questing fingers found the low neckline of her gown, dipped beneath it to fondle the brassiered globes of Dianes yielding breasts. The lush charms, pendant with sophistication, swelled under Kurts caresses. Bit by bit he forced the silk cup to the brassiere down until he was able to touch warm flesh, pulsating with life
Snappy Magazine, Sept. 1935.
(that from...
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whoo! that's hot! how goes it? sorry i've been so quiet!
really? that sucks dude!!!
so...like, what, have you been fucked out of SG? shocked

I'm in Cleveland having the greatest time... seeing people I haven't seen for ten years, eating yummy yummy west side market food: cinnamon almonds, spinach pies, yummy falafal.
my toes curl in and out as I become a fatty fat fat.
I forgot how chubby the squirrels are here. Fat fatty fatfats. but it looks good on them
going to see corbra verde tonight...
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awww...you are eating falafel and spinach pies without me! poo... i suppose that is my fault though.
it is weird that you keep saying "fatty fat fat".. my friend and i always used to say that... i can't remember why.

i found a good website on absinthe that told me all the pertinent facts.. here it is: http://www.feeverte.net/ supposedly the best resouce on the net. but, i'll still try some.
damn, as i said in my email, hope you're still around tonight! we gotta go drink dollar pbrs at the richland.
jesus those monkies scare the living hell out of me! really. ever since i was little and they had one at this pizza place that my family would go to all of the time. it would sit next to the piano player and bang its cymbals. i have to admit that i secretly want one too though... but why? ahhh, childhood memories.

have a great visit and a safe trip home! eat some spinach pies and hummus for me! *hearts sqp*
a quickie...

I am torn about going to the world trade protests in Miami. I'd kinda like to. It is important. But that innate thing in me that rebels at any group / mob activity thinks that I'll feel kind of sick doing it.

A funny fact: the first presidential debates are going to be held at the University of Miami, which has the most...
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Mwa ha ha
I can drink the shit out of ice coffee.

My class thinks that I'm crazy for having them read Geek Love, but since we spent the last week talking about fashion, plastic surgery and the modern freakshow, I think they at least appreciate the connections. Needless to say though, I think that I've shattered some freshman innocence... (evil laugh now!)

I have been so lethargic...
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Theyve poked a few eyes out in their day and on rare occasions theyve been known to terrorize small villages.

tongue Kay
a quickie...

I am torn about going to the world trade protests in Miami. I'd kinda like to. It is important. But that innate thing in me that rebels at any group / mob activity thinks that I'll feel kind of sick doing it.

A funny fact: the first presidential debates are going to be held at the University of Miami, which has the most shallow, apolitical student body in all of the United States. Perfectly apt.

I'm driving to Cleveland on Monday. Back on Saturday. must start collecting books on tape for the trip.

Okay, I must get back to writing about Faulkner and 1930s aviation pulps.
One hour 'til The Bee arrives. I have lots of canned sugery fruit goodies, like "mango shells in extra thick syrup" for her to pick at with her antennae. Now we just need cheese and wine (which I have a closet full of that I've been saving for just such an occasion) and the giggling will ensue.

Wed I leave for Cleveland for apartment hunting....
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I finally got my laptop back:
so. much. nicer.

Time for the third and final candy list: the BAD candy list, and I don't mean bad good, I don't mean bad naughty, I mean such oddities and horrors of candy creation they belong in a confectionary freak show; Candy invented by sadists...
feel free to add...

--Boston Baked Beans
--those fluffy orange Circus Peanuts...
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i'm-a-gonna email you soon.. i haven't been doing anything but going to work. not even reading. working and commuting and eating and sleeping. bleh.

prepping for the gre. fear fear.
I finally got my laptop back:
so. much. nicer.

Time for the third and final candy list: the BAD candy list, and I don't mean bad good, I don't mean bad naughty, I mean such oddities and horrors of candy creation they belong in a confectionary freak show; Candy invented by sadists...
feel free to add...

--Boston Baked Beans
--those fluffy orange Circus Peanuts...
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I love me up some ice coffee.

Hurricane Isobel is heading to some other poor suckers house rather than mine.
I can't believe that Sept is half over. It'll soon be time for me to start packing, fly up to cleveland to go apartment hunting. Pack up the old station wagon (i wish i had a S.W.) and leave Miami. I'm already thinking about what...
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mm, embarking on a bit of an adventure i'd say.. may good fortune shine upon thee.

mitzi's... a friend of mine was telling me about that place a little while ago.. i keep meaning to check it out, i haven't yet though. i hear they have a good jukebox.. and that it's cheap..
and the siam cafe--is that any good?

yes, isn't fall in ohio lovely? maybe soon i'll be able to post some pictures for you of me standing under orange & red leaves. smile
mwahaha. best songs to sing ever.

i'm not getting it. come teach me oh wise one. *evil grin*

of coooooooooourse i remember the christopher robin boots!!!!! but now i'm sad cause you can't fly up here in them what with the hurricane going another direction and all that jazz. not that it's a baaaaad thing that you won't get stuck in a hurricane...but like...i was watching the skies for you maaaaan. wink
