steelers. here we go. pittsburgh's goin' to da super bowl. hell yeah we're going to knock off the #1, #2, and #3 seed teams on the road, i mean come on, what else we do?

can't believe i have to go to work now, i wonder how many other people are going to be as bleary eyed and hungover as i am?
i want to!
sorry about the whole not texting you back after i said i would yesterday. but i was driving for most of the day, and i really didn't want to die right then. maybe next time kiss
man, i'm still convinced that Clue is the best movie ever. it's definitely the best movie to be based off of a board game. i realized this in a drunken stupor lastnight around 3 in the morning when i woke up and it was on. i think i nearly woke everyone up from me laughing.

Colonel Mustard: How many husbands have you had?
Mrs. White:...
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you know my take on psycho boob girl
not with a ten foot pole, baby
"unscrupulous" is a great word for it
what's the deal with broads anyway?

how are things? yeah, i know, they have to suck there too. work is lame, i'm still on probation i guess, which means i don't get a bonus. booo!

what's up with the women at work and how into babies they are? they're like a motherfucking beam that draws people into their dark sphere of influence. the hear a...
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you never know...he might have been one of the few homeless bums that would have actually spent it on food. never know till you see him with a brown paper bag ten minutes after you leave him i guess.

i'm sorry i half-bailed earlier, my phone battery died and i tried actually CALLING you today but you didn't answer...and now i'm going to sleep my ass off wink
why am i still here? why do i still try and bother?

when will i ever learn to just get drunk and shut my fucking miserable mouth?

i wish that was me on the other end of max von sydow, so i could end things on a highnote. to be taken out by brewmeister smith, now that's how i wanna go.
see i'd a whole lot rather die from a heart attack resulting from toxic levels of unspeakably good sex.

but that's just me. i'm still going to ask you to not die before i meet you.
god damn.

right out of the fucking blue my ex calls me and totally broadsides me. my phone was off for like 2 months, most normal people would delete me. but not her.

i don't want to hear about the fun stuff you're doing. i don't want to hear about how great things are. i don't want to hear anything ever again. period. no exceptions....
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i can't believe i'm missing sterns first day in space, but that's what i get i suppose for ordering my equipment too late. shame on me. it's sweet that you can preview a bunch of the music channels online. i kind of dig that.

oh well, it's like the stone said, look for a girl with faraway eyes.

nothing major has been going on, aside...
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i don't think you're terrible.

find out who fucked with you and point me at them, i'm all over their shit now
bored bored bored bored bored bored.


silent hill 3 is going well though. still bored, still waiting to get sirius woo-le-hoo.
under the chin, through the mouth, the side of the temple: which is ther best way to shoot myself?

and i actually cried when richard pryor died

it was a sad day

hunter thompson too, that made me nauseaus

i stuck it in your email

heh heh

in your box


give me half a minute to turn it on
man, what a depressing christmas. my whole family is pretty much gone to florida to spend time with my sister and her new son, joseph.

i was looking under the tree today and both mine and my brother's presents had been unwrapped for a few days.

well, at least there's still plenty of x-mas cheer to drink and i still have 2 more days before...
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Thanks I'm glad you like the set kiss And if you can think of that famous person let me know wink
nobody will ever read this. blah blah blah.

no wonder i'm going to quit in a couple of months.

peace out!