my goodness i'm going _______! after two sleepless nights, i'm spending thanksgiving alone. well not alone, i have my pals Miller Highlife and Top Ramen to keep me company.

everything is SO heavy... not metaphorically speaking. i can barely hold my illegally drunk self up. s'kinda depressing.

holy shit. i type fairly well while inibriated.

oi oi oi!
yay! smile
it's official. i'm gonna street kid my way over to NY.... i'm saving up some dough and i'm hitting the road in the spring. i've never gone further east than colorado and i have a nation to see...

today was a day where i had to run. i HATE those type of days... s'why i want out of this lifestyle. my rib is getting better...
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*cough* ow... i can't really tell people how or why my rib is broken. sorry. legal reasoning.

tonight at work, i got to play slave again. i must be one hell of a slave because i play that role QUITE often. i know it's not attractive to complain about things, but when it gets to the point where i almost pass out due to over...
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he might know you. he lived in california for the past 8 months or so. you like the lawrence arms. i am wearing their hoodie as we speak. woo!
i know exactly what you're goin thru. maybe i'm just too passive, but i always get takin advantage of and made to do all the dirty work

...hmmm that sounded sexual wink
it was about the time in between sunset and night time when i left my house. the sky was purple and black to the east, and to the west was a very large fallen rainbow i was on my way to UC Berkeley (i attend a class on campus) and i was smoking a cigarette. the moon began to show as the rainbow disappeared into...
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i need a drink. unfortunately, i don't drink. how did you break your rib? i haven't been following, if you told the story already. but you could tell me, which would be fun.
a walking emo song is okay, but don't run!
it was about the time in between sunset and night time when i left my house. the sky was purple and black to the east, and to the west was a very large fallen rainbow i was on my way to UC Berkeley (i attend a class on campus) and i was smoking a cigarette. the moon began to show as the rainbow disappeared into...
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it was about the time in between sunset and night time when i left my house. the sky was purple and black to the east, and to the west was a very large fallen rainbow i was on my way to UC Berkeley (i attend a class on campus) and i was smoking a cigarette. the moon began to show as the rainbow disappeared into...
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quote of the day:

"originality is just undetected plagiarism"

^^i found out how to spell "plagiarism" by spelling it phonetically to a friend.
12:22am. i'm home. the air outside is foggy but the stars still show through...

12:24am. i'm upstairs and my cigarette is lit and lazily hanging from my semi moist bottom lip. i flick the light on.

12:27am. i'm sitting in front of the computer. waiting for the net to connect, i scan through some old MP3's trying to ignore the fact that i am falling...
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i saw your poignant post about sad songs came in handy last night. very succinct:

"last night i dreamt that somebody loved me, holy shit that song is sad."

it's funny cuz it's true, though. computers are weird, synthetic warm fuzzy blankets.
oops, sorry. i guess we share the same personal hero, didn't you just love how he put that?
stole an ounce of ____ and almost got shot! gotta love richmond...
The crowds are always changing.. I've watched it time and again... been going to punk rawk shows since 1988. Very different, always.