I am ready for a few days off, work has been a little more than rough this week and it's only Wednesday. I can't wait until Friday gets here, I'm going to take a little road trip and burn off some of this stress...two days to go!
Thank you for the birthday wishes!
Ok, time for another venting moment. I had to break down today and buy a Louisiana tag for my car ( I was still riding my MS tag, hey it was good until this month!). So i go to DMV and find out that I have to pay sales tax here for a car that I have already paid for mad . I wouldn't have been...
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Happy Turkey Day! bok
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my set sweetness. x x
Sometimes I wonder why I still do this job.....i have to drag my ass out of bed first thing in the morning on a Saturday to go to a seminar....somewhere i think there is some sadistic fuck laughing his ass off because he scheduled this on a weekend instead of during the week. Oh well, it's off to get educated once again!! Someone drink a...
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haha...thank you. I'll drink one for you this afternoon.smile
If I do go it won't be until after I graduate. So you still have time to adore me. biggrin
It has been an interesting day, so many people I would like to drown in the gulf, so little time. It's good to finally get home and to relax for a while. Too bad 5:30 is going to hit me in the ass so quickly. Weekend hurry up and get here! robot
Hmmm, cool weekend. Drove up to Alexandria Friday night and jumped into the pre-tournament party, fought Sat in my tournament and won ( cheap fucking prize though), then had the post party that night. No complaints for the moment.... smile wink biggrin
Thanx for the sweet comment about my set. Glad you liked it!
And thanx for putting me up there *points to the faves SG* blush
take care
Did you ever have one of those days where you just wanted to lock everyone in a building and set the whole damn thing on fire? The world would be a much nicer place without rumor spreading, backwards ass dumbfucks who think they actually have a fucking clue.....damn I need a party surreal

Disclaimer: This bit of venting does in no way reflect the ideas of...
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Thanks for commenting on my set! kiss
I have those feelings every day at work!

We're going to the Ren Faire Sunday... smile
Hmmm, holloween....I think it was fun, but after that second bottle of tequila I'm a little fuzzy about a few things...damn I have to watch that for now on! biggrin
Damn, no Endless Nights in NOLA this year. This may end up being one boring Halloween unless there is a decent party in Baton Rouge. Hmmmm, ROAD TRIP!
yay! you're back!! kiss
I'm Back!!!! Finally things are getting back to normal after two hurricanes, I think that I am ready for a vacation smile
glad you are safe
i am not much for parties and drinks
iam kinda a bore biggrin
It's going to be a long day. A friend of mine cameback from Iraq this week so he came to baton Rouge last night to visit. Some friends and me went out last night to a couple of clubs to welcome him back, drank too much beer, and got back home around 4:00 this morning.....damn I love nights like that!! wink biggrin It would be better if...
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i have had the most un productive weekend of my life whatever
thanks for your sweet birthday wishes... smile kiss
Damn Taxes! mad puke
you are a lovely man. Thanks so much again for your email. you always bring a smile to my face. kiss
Well lets's see, it's been a while since I've written in this thing so let me try to recap. I met a new lady and ran from a new lady when she fucked up and said I love you after the third day I knew her ( I've had enough psychos in my life thank you). I finally had a chance to get together with...
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I'm just dropping by to say hello. kiss