FUCK THIS FACT: Boards on here are fucking lame. SO is the nearly non-existent chat and the extreme lack of Webcams when you know everyone fucking has them.
This "community" kind of blows, it's like nerds with power.
Chickens do this thing where if they are pecking for food and one of them gets pecked and they see blood they fly into frenzy and attack the bird with blood on her, but then, you see, as they attack, more of them get blood on them and the attackers get attacked by others who then get blood on them .... literally a viscious cycle. It seems to me that it would behoove one chicken who isn't getting pecked to walk away but they can't help it, even knowing that they could be next.
Now despite that hat (um IRONY?) it's true that I lived in NYC most of my life and the only chickens I see are covered in cheese and tomato sauce but think about the metaphor. Ah?
There it is!
Faux Real Fact: Kevy Kev ain't got no damn doctor! This ain't England! Health insurance, children, all of that stuff is for the very rich and the very poor, the middle class have no business mucking about with that crap!
Funk Fact: The point was missed: it's not that I dislike the BANDS I dislike the PEOPLE who like the bANDS and the weirdness that goes along with it so ....
it really does.